Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hmm...urgh! I don't understand! Yesterday i had loads of idea what to type on the blog now my brain went blank!Ok..let's se..this hols weren't so bad..:) Get to do things i want to do.:):) Um..well i went shopping with my parents and bought a gift for Joee! Hey! In case you all didn't know,her birthday is on November 5..i knw abit early for presents but it's incase i did'nt hve a chance to go out again. But what i really want to buy her is actually sumthing to do with starwars or anime but no time so i just grab sumthing that looks nice and hope she likes it. Sorry Joee if you read this.:(!! I can't beliave that Naruto Shippuden was so awesome!!! i love it! Man! If only it shows that will be great!^^*sigh* got nothing to do all day except watch Tv,go on9,draw anime and..well sum boring sruff. Wish could hang out with my buddies.:'( Oh yeah! i bet you saw Benji pic on my blog..well to ber honest it's not's a pic that looks like benji..i did'nt took benji pic before i had to give away..and i really love him so much so i put this pic to let me think about him.:) Sorry, if you think it's my rabbit. I really miss him!!! His really smart he can even drink a straw out of a juice! my dad thought him dad like he did with his squirral.xD I hope one day i can visit him.:') *Scratch head* Argh! What esle to write,ah?? Oh time i'll write it on a list and type it on me blog. Bye!xD

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Congratulations to Justin& Jennifer!:)

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you..although i don't even know them but yesterday their wedding was awesome!!! So touching with all the love songs(eww)just kidding and speeches.:') Man should hve brought my camera!! Arghhh! Wasted!*sigh* what a dope i hve been.:( Oooo! the food was nice.xD Wow i didn't know the husband was a cool!!! Thats nice..i think.Lol.Anyway..-_- i'm not sure what to write now.. but maybe i'll post more on Friday. Aha..gtg.xD

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Belated birhtday to me& What a week!:)

Hooray!! i'm finaly 14!!! Well it wasnt't presents and i even got splash!xD it was fun except the part i got EXAM on that day!!! So sad! But other than that i'm happy cuz my friends wishes me on facebook and in person. That actually matter to me the most..they remember. Anyway*sigh* got my results back! Not so good! Wow! the teachers mark so fast! They shouldn't give back the results! Destroy some people's mood!:-/ Aiyo! That means must work hard for finals! You know what they is the key to sucsess.^~^ Noooo! lazy to work hard! but no choice..well at least the weekends going to be good.:) But pretty busy cuz got so many dinner to go to.:) Today just went to salak south garden for a friends dad friend house actually. grandma was soo happy to see all her old friends again! Good on you popo!xD I bet they think about the good times they had..i love my dad's was really to you say..nice to hear and feeling all pasionate about it. He and my uncle are quite well known ther cuz my grandma's friends are all there.
Oh yeah! Got 1 more week holiday! Y-eah! Let's see..what to do..*thinking* argh got nothing but i think it's enough to rest after exam.:) more tomorrowlah feeling tired.:) Bye!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Arghhh Stress!!

STRESS!!!! So much to do so little time! Exam next week! Darn it! Then must study the names of all the PIBG names,penolong kanan and pengetua names for the interview with the morning section prefect.:( They're so scary!! Wow! i can't beliave next year must be soo serious and strict! No fun!:(:( But i'm not letting those losers destroy my fun!>:) Hehe..xD. Anyway O.o i can't beliave sum ninjitsu white belts already went to green! No fair! i train so hard but sensei always see the newbies only! Me& Sing Joo still white belt! I HATE it!:-/ If next year i still white belt i'm quiting! I won't hate ninjitsu but SENSEI!!*Sigh* i love ninjitsu so much and i can't get green belt!I even wasted my money on ninjitsu items!:( Ninjitsu has bee my passion for a very long time and it'll always will be.:) Alright! Enought with this passion stuff! This week was my bro birhtday! Gave him 5 bucks! Had cake too!:) 2 down 1 more to go.xD Urgh! Gotta so call bro turns! Man always like this!:(

Friday, September 4, 2009

Finally can breathe alittle...:)

O.O finally found the material to make the darn skirt.:) Anyway...this week couldn't concentrate cuz still on holiday mood.:( Why must time fly so fast???Hmm...what to say? Um..oh yeah!!! Seafield gossip is back! Wahoo! Okey todays gossip that i and joe3 recieve...a letter from chicken rice: Pn.Siew is actually 400 years old!!! :O *Gasp* and she can still walk?? Wow..someone must be having their milk.xD Next is Doughnut: Did you know that SMK Seafield skul is made up of ice cream??!!! Arghhhhh! Wait..wahoo we won't go hungry ever again.:) And last but not least..from us!: We hve found out that San Weng Hang is actually Hannah Montana!!!!!Hey Weng Hang! You never told us?? Our class will be famous! Hehe..just kidding. That's all for now folks.:) If you having any juicy gossip please contact us with this number:555-555-5555(not really a number) or find us in SMK Seafield in class 2 Jujur:) Oh hold on..Jac told me MJ has been buried yesterday.:O sad..well i guess it can't be help then..moving on! Ah..just kiddinglah hope he rest in peace.:) Speaking of MJ..i can't beliave my grandma bought me and my bro a MJ t-shirt! It's too Big popo!! Lol i think my dad can wear it.xD Well anyway thanks popo for the early birthday present. Love it. Hey! My bro birthday next week! That little dope turning 9 next week. Aha...gotta go people..see yeah all next week.:)