Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy Independence Day! & Happy Birthday Popo!!!

Merdeka! Merdeka!! Wahooooo!!:) That means we can do anything seens it says independence! Even go to jail for fun! or drive around like mad people and all kind of fun stuff.:):) Hehe...just kidding well i wish we could.:) I can't beliave i spend my weekends in KKB.:( was boring but the waterfall wasn't so bad.:) Plus, the church was so small!! Everyone keep staring at us like we're alians!! Arghhhhh! Well,at least got free stuff.:) Oh..HOORAY!! Popo's birthday is tomorrow!! Yay! Happy Early Birthday Pops.xD Urgh! The stupid prefect skirt so hard to find!!>:( search everywhere for that thing but still can't find it! Blast that skirt!>:( *sigh* so hard to find..:( Anyway, Aiyo!! Tomorrow got skul!! So sad! Don't feel like going. So many birthday this month! Mine,my bro and popo!! Wow! Means more cake!^^ Yum yum! Aiya! lost what i want to type already...what was it ah? Oh yeah! Finally finish sewing! Yay! I can't beliave after holiday another two weeks got exam!! So many exam! My brain's gonna burst!! Oh well,back to being a nerd!xD gotta go then later!:)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tagged by Jo3e

1. Where did you take your profile pic?- Somewhere off the Internet.
2. What exactly are you wearing right now?- Blue t-shrit and pants.
What is your current problem?- Stuck with the fact that I messed up the Merdeka performance
4. What makes you happy most?- PLAYING COMPUTER!!
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?- man in the mirror by Mj.
6.Any celeb you would marry?- I'll pass...
7. Name some one/persons with the same birthday as you:- Nope.
8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?- When i'm in kindergarden.
9.Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?- Nope..
10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?- Everything except Playhouse Disney or Nickelodeon Junior.
11. Do you speak any other languages than English?- Malay...Maybe a bit of Cantonese.
12. Has anyone you've been really close passed away?- Nope.13 Do you ever watch MTV?-yup.
14. What's something that really annoys you?- People who don't GET A LIFE.--------------------------Chapter 11. Middle name: ?? Stephanie2. Nickname(s):) Chris.3. Current location: 6/3c No:55 Jln subang jaya47610..
4. Eye color: Dark Brown-----------------------------------------------Chapter 21. Do you get along with your parent(s): Depends what mood I'm in.2.Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: Married.------------------------------------------------Chapter 3: Favorites1. Ice Cream: Cookie Dough2. Season: Autumn,Winter,Spring3. Shampoo/conditioner: Pantene4. Favorite Thing: My Computer!!------------------------------------------------Chapter 4:
Do You..1. Dance in the shower? : Nope.Never.
2. Do you write on your hand? : Sometimes..when I'm out of paper...
3. Call people back? : Yeah4. Believe in God? : Yeah!!!!!5. Any bad habits? : Anger management6. Any mental health issues? : Nope------------------------------------------------Chapter 5:
Have You..1. Sprained stuff: Once or twice3. Gotten stitches? : Nope..I think?
4. taken painkillers: Panadol5.
Gone scuba diving or snorkeling: I wish!
6. Thrown up at the dentist: Nope..7. Sworn in front of your parents?: Nope..try to hold my anger...
8. Had detention? : Yup..but not for the reason you think.------------------------------------------------Chapter 6:
Who/What was the last1. Three people who texted you: Jo3e,Sean and Sing joo.2.
Person you called: Mom3.
Person you hugged: Mom4.
Person you tackled?: In the bro.
Person you talked to on MSN?: no Msn..yet6.
Thing you touched? : Computer keyboard7.
Thing you ate? : Fish&chips8.
Thing you drank: Water9.
Thing you said: I'm gonna use the Com
10. Friend you saw ytd : Rachel(Old Friend)

Goodbye Old blog.:'(

Well it's not really a goodbye it's just that something went wrong so no choice but to create a new one.:) *sigh* all those good times and good memories i spend and type on it.*sob*sob* All GONE!
Man! Gotta start all over again!:-/ Anyway,NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Hols are gonna be over!:( Back to skul! Arghhhhhh! Hve to face Pn. Lau again...It's a nightmare! Have you ever got this feeling like when there's holiday you feel like going back to skul but when skul starts again you feel like you want holiday again? If the answer is OH Y-EAH! Than you and me are in the same boat.:) *Gasp* Hols are gonna finish and i haven't even do my sewing yet! Arghhh! better start now!:( Man how i HATE sewing! Stupid project! The mechine always jam,jam,jam!:-/ the worst part of all...if you didn't do it Pn. Yeap is gonna start nagging and nagging till you want to scream"SHUT UP" but if you do that than you're in serious trouble so i might not take the risk.:) Let's look at the bright side of all this...*thinking* nope i got nothing.:( Great i can't beliave i'm going to stay at my uncle house for 2 days 1 night! My parent's said it's gonna be fun but as far as far as i know...his house doesn't even hve a computer! His an old fashion guy but man! No com?*sigh* gotta bro wants to use the com.Post more soon.:)