Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Another problem

Hi guys. Ok just a review..about my last post. i just wanna clear afew things...i said those things cuz i was really in a bad mood and hurt. I mean, can 't blame a girl who's been pesture by frens and family right? We all had our momoents. Right now i just felt like typing this post to get stuff out of my mind. Next week is my church camp. Well not really my church but my aunt and uncle goes there so they just sign me up. xD oh crap scracth that! It's this SUN!!! :O and i hve to start rechecking on the things i packed! ">< Damn~~ but well i'm in holiday mood so..yeah.i'm having the flu and cough. Just right before my camp! How wonderful eh?
i'm kinda worried to go there cuz i dun really know anyone! :( this really scares me. Plus, i felt so regret to go! I'm afraid the people like to judge on appearances. Cuz i'm really humble when i dress. By that i mean i dun dress like those hot clothes and well design clothes like those people i saw while i was in church. Teenage people nowadays go by fashion.'s only 4 days...4............freaking...........d-ays. G-reat~ *worried face* that's alot of days! almost the same as five days of skul! Argh!!!! What m i gonna do?!!!! I need major advise but i dun knw who to go to. Frens? My frens are not help from the time i started at my new skul(i'm reffering to my new frens) family? They wouldn't understand!!!! ARGH! I'm so freaking messed up! :'(

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Enough is enough!

ok today's topics is about acne,frens and family. Y did i suddenly decided to type this post? BECAUSE I AM SICK OF THE WAY PEOPLE ARE TREATING ME! Let's go to the first topic..ance.Wahoo~~ yeah right. Ok i knw having ance is normal out a scale of 10..9 will mostly get it. I think people aroud me doesn't knw what it's like to hve ance. My frens and family. I get really annoyed we they try to give tips or the say"Christine, y is ur face like that?" How insulting right? Anyway, my dad, mum,grandma and even teachers in my skul try to give me advised. Like today i was helping one of my teachers and suddenly she told me she knew this really good doctor that can help me with my skin. I mean...i thought puberty is fine until people starts judging me. It's disgusting! Do they think i enjoyed ance? Do they really think it's so nice to hve ance?! ITS NOT! It's painful and icthy!"== and no matter how u wish it go keep getting worst! Because of this i became anti sosial and loose my confidence. The girls in my skul are all chinese. They hve really good skin, clear and smooth. So they will look at me like i'm sum idiot who suffered from ance. Truth is, having ance is really bad and sad for people like me. Trust me! I KNW what's like ok. it is not entertaining whenever i look at my face in the mirror. So when i'm with people surrounded me i 'll just popped my MP3 on and ignore everyone. I used to be really sociable to people. but now..things change. I knw looks dun matter.But it will really help if EVERYOINE understand that! Next..frens. my frens in school are so suckish! I dun care if they read this post. They knw i'm right. Y? cuz everytime they have a chance..they'll dumped me and go to their frens. And i'll hve to be alone. I recess alone and i'm practically alone. Solo~ lol. So yeah..sometimes i purposely annoyed my frens by saying i missed my old skul and i can see they dun like that. but can u blame me? I feel like i'm in a primary skul. They are not mature at all. They think so childish and sometimes get into my nerves!I can't wait to graduate and get OUT from that f****** skul. Excuse me language..i dun really mean what it means when i type those stars out. Last is my family. Ok maybe i won't type much about it here cuz it's personal. Let's just say....oh great i soon!