Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Ho ho... Oh no!

Merry Christmas people~~ :) and a HAPPY new year~. :D let's see here..have i open up my presents? Check..wished all my frens? check..count all my angpaus? double check~ Oh speaking of christmas presents..this year was THE WORST christmas presents i ever receive. First one of my relatives present me and my brother..COUPLE mugs???? Dafuq! Seriously really bad present ever. Second present was...from my aunt. She gave me a book on how to be a great leader? Wth is tht all abt? I swear tht women DO not knw how to give presents. "== What would i want to be involve of being a great leader? sumtimes her presents can be...a little insulting. M not only talking abt christmas times but also in birthdays. I remember she present sum paint ur self pic thing last year..and when i read the was for 4 year olds!! "== i was 16 damn it! Sumtimes i just wished she just give me nothing cuz no point giving me sumthing tht sounds insulting or look insulting. Yes the thought counts but in my defends when u open up the present..i dun think u will be thiking abt THOUGHTS THT COUNT at the moment. "== M not really enjoying my christmas this year and i had a terrible christmas eve ever. I realized i'll never gonna follow my uncle and aunt for outing ever again cuz they are such boring couples. aha...yeah..really..they are. Well i dun wanna waste my time talking abt them. i practically wasted 10 sec of my life mentioning them I knw i sound mean but after wat happen yesterday. I'm not in the mood to forgive them.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

MIXPOD IS CLOSED..?!?! Great now how m i gonna update my songs..."=.= darn anyway, like i said in my previous post i was looking for a job..and yes i found one. But this shall be my second job actually. I'm not gonna give away to much abt it but i'm starting my first day here and yikes m pretty nervous..i mean i never done this before and i'm afraid i might screw it up. Hope i didn't just jinx i was lucky to get a second job cuz for the past weeks i been searching an searching till i almost give up. I thought i was gonna spend my hols at home...rotting..till my results release. Phew. Well sometimews when u have a little faith and just keep on praying..miracle things seems to twist it around and make it come true. ;) aha..well i dun think i'm gonna post much cuz nothing has happen or anything interesting happening arounds here...since my skuled years has ended...everyone is just simply busy working or lazying at home so i rarely meet any of my frens nowadays....NEIL PATRICK HARRIS IS GAY!! T__T tht was a shocking news for me cuz i uesed to watch how i met your mother on starwolrd and i never he then i watched smurf and he with his wife..and then i found out his gays kinda makes me feel awkward watching his movies every now and then. BUTS~ there's smurf 2 coming soon i hear..and boy i'm looking forward to day..:D haha k i chao peeps.