Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Ho ho... Oh no!

Merry Christmas people~~ :) and a HAPPY new year~. :D let's see here..have i open up my presents? Check..wished all my frens? check..count all my angpaus? double check~ Oh speaking of christmas presents..this year was THE WORST christmas presents i ever receive. First one of my relatives present me and my brother..COUPLE mugs???? Dafuq! Seriously really bad present ever. Second present was...from my aunt. She gave me a book on how to be a great leader? Wth is tht all abt? I swear tht women DO not knw how to give presents. "== What would i want to be involve of being a great leader? sumtimes her presents can be...a little insulting. M not only talking abt christmas times but also in birthdays. I remember she present sum paint ur self pic thing last year..and when i read the was for 4 year olds!! "== i was 16 damn it! Sumtimes i just wished she just give me nothing cuz no point giving me sumthing tht sounds insulting or look insulting. Yes the thought counts but in my defends when u open up the present..i dun think u will be thiking abt THOUGHTS THT COUNT at the moment. "== M not really enjoying my christmas this year and i had a terrible christmas eve ever. I realized i'll never gonna follow my uncle and aunt for outing ever again cuz they are such boring couples. aha...yeah..really..they are. Well i dun wanna waste my time talking abt them. i practically wasted 10 sec of my life mentioning them I knw i sound mean but after wat happen yesterday. I'm not in the mood to forgive them.