Friday, February 5, 2010

What a week!!!

Woah! This week was awesome and suckish at the same time. Ok the awesome first! Hehe..we got ceramah bout anti-dadah and the pics are so..YUCK! Makes me dun wanna go recess.It's awesome though..the stuff u can learn about what happens if u smoke. Anyway,exhabition was cool! the fire truck was COOL!^^ the bus too but got dolls and info bout smoking..and its SCARY! Argh!! Yikes!:( Ooooo! we also had oral!! Hehe..our acting was okok but u should see Rohen,joshua and jonathan!! Their oral was SO FUNNY! I must say they are GOOD! Check out joee blog she 'll type down the script. Ours r here:

Location: K.L. Central

Situation:Geraldine and Joee come back from U.K. Me,Jia Yinn and Ming yi welcome them.

Ming yi: Where in the world are they?(looks at her watch)

Jia Yinn:*sigh* late as usual.We've been waiting for ages.

Me: Kids these days....they never learn anything!

[ Joee and Geraldine appear]

Joee: Hi! Who you guys talking about?

Geraldine:Hello! Sorry..our train got delayed.

Jia Yinn: Speaking of the devil!

Ming yi:Ooh..are they any souvenirs for us?

Me:With all these things you are carrying..there must be something for us!

Geraldine: Oh yes..if i can i manage to finf them under all these luggage.

Me: Well was your holiday at the United Kingdom?

Joee:It was awesome! We shook hand with Queen Elizabeth!

Jia Yinn: Really?! I'm all sour grapes.You shook hands with Her Majesty?

Geraldine:Yes.At the Madame Tussads Museum.

Ming Yi:Madame Tu-What museum?! What is it? i cannot imagine Queen Elizabeth as a..candle?!

Joee: No,sily.It is a musuem where you can see many famous people, but they are made out of wax,of course.The figurines' workmanship are so detailed that they look very vivid.

Geraldine:(while counting fingers) Princess Diana,Angelina Jolie,Brad pitt,Jackie Chan,Michael Jackson,William Shakespeare and MarilynMonroe are among those we saw. However,the scariest among them is Adolf Hitler.

Me: That is very intresting.Nevertheless,while the two of you had fun looking at wax people,we had a brilliant time doing our Christmas shopping in Malaysia.

Geraldine:Oh no! I missed the sale!The Year-End Sale!!

Jia Yinn:Too bad.I bought a Calvin Klein shirt with 70% discount at the Pavilion.Also,i found the procelein dish set which i yearned very much.

Min g Yi: Besides,the Christmas decorational there were simply beautiful.They erected a Christmas tree made entirely out of plastics and plastics bottles.

Me: They even had a Christmas angels performing Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' Dance.A tribute to him,i guess.

Joee:Your eyes are sparkling. I am all worn out.Can we go home now?

Geraldine:Me too.I can barely put a foot before the other.How are we going home?

Jia yin,Me and Ming yi: Walking!


And that's about it. Well we didn't hve time to make great script but i bet it's enough to get marks for English. Everyone did great but the Best was Rohen and his friends. I'll post more tomorrow. Got Seafield gossip fm as well so look out for that.:) It's gonna be juicy.xD