Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ah..finally the WEEKENDS!!! Wahoo! I bet u kids are tossing papers and underwears in the air.:) Hehe! Urgh! But the worst thing could happen during weekends is HOMEWORK!!"== Blast these teachers! What part of weekends do they not understand? So sad.*sigh* Anyway,Seafield goss is in the house!Lol. Ok as u can see me and joee has been digging for juicy goss and here's an interview with the Phantom:

Me: " Hey there Mr.Phantom ..tell us how does it feel to be The Phantom Of Opera Ghost?,the world wants to knw."

Phantom: "Ahh..what a likely question. I LOVE IT!! Hehe i get to scare people and cut their guts out."

Joee:" OMG! That's so awesome! Wish i get to that. Lol so anyway.What's the best thing u get to do as a ghost?"

Phantom:" favourite part of being a ghost is that i can be so many places at once so u might want to think twice before u say anything about me."

Me: "Wow! Sounds it true Christine Daee has harry back?"

Phantom: "I dun where to start. U should hve seen her! OMG her back is worst then my grandmas! But i love her. She's mine all mine!!"

Joee: "What a love triangle. So..what's it like to suffercate Raoul?"

Phantom: "It was GREAT! He's such a whimp! i'm planing to take plastic surgery."

Me:"Aha..good idea. Well i think we should end it here thank u."

Joee:"Yes, thanks for this..lovely interview."

Phantom:"Wait! Dun u want to see my finger collections? It has every persons fingers."

Me::Um..maybe next time.."

Joee:" yeah is there anything u want to say to them?"

Phantom:" Yes. I'm the Phantom OF Opera! Never doubt me!"

Me and joee:"Um..ok!"

Well thats it. Very scary interviewing him..his face so creepy!xD Lol I can't believe Roaul has been collecting maddy paddys! So cool! hehe. I tell ain't easy getting rid of him. Too much story he wanna say.Lol Anyway. Me and Joee is still gonna keep digging for stuffs.xDNow for this week updates. Aha..i fell down in skul."== so clumsy! Now my leg got bruce! So sad wei! *sigh* guess this whatcha get for not looking where u going.;)Hehe..let's see..nothing else happen so i leave it here for now.See yea!xDD