Friday, March 26, 2010

Finally the weekends.:)

Aha..finally i can to my stuffs over the weekends but SOMETHING is in my way whichs is PROJECTS,HOMEWORK and worst of all PROJECTS!"== Blast this teachers! Give so many! i can't believe there's 4 freaking projects which is sej,geo,seni and sivik!! * Brain explode* At least tomorrow is IU but that means i hve to get everything done by today!*gasp* nooooooooooooooo!:( Lets' see..tomorrow got Bk(bible knowledge)Sunday skul and Iu!! Argh! no time to do projects!:( Gotta rush!*sigh* let's see anything good happen this yeah! I'll be ending my probation soon but we hve to wait until nicole comes back. Gosh! Hope i'm in or i'll sue my PST leader!xD Better bring my camera tomorrow to take some pics.^^ Cool! pics!xD Lol.Anyway..brandon's writing a book!! Cool!! I gonna buy as soon as he publish it.:) It better be cheap Brandon!xD So exceiting!Haha.*sigh* i guess today is gonna be pretty busy..oh well better get started.:(