Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011.:)

Wow..what has the year gone bye so fast? Aha..2011...feels soo futuristic.O.o This year is new for me since i finally shifted skul(which it kinda sucks) and trying to hve a fresh start and boy am i trying! New year,new skul,new frens,new clothes,new shoes,new bags,new anything! Urgh! my new skul is WAY~~ to different than Seafield! seriously!:( I made a friend, her name is Fatin..she sat beside in class and the only and i mean ONLY malay girl there. Then there's Agala(if i spell right) i talk to her once in a while..she' Let see..i'm in sastera...the only sastera with ADD maths so teacher says we better buckle up! Sucks isn't it? My subject teachers bad..i dun really like my science teacher though..i mean she's nice and everything but i just hate her writting! It's soo hard to read! And her teaching! Her pronouncing is bad!:( *sigh* other than that..they are ok..i guess. At first when i walk in the skul i thought it was such a flat skul but when i when behind..BAM! Huge! So many stairs! And the only hve 3 floors! So many rooms! It's crazy man..i get lost Only one girl's toilet..sad.:( How i miss my frens soo much! On my first day of skul i was SO nervous! I kept thinking will i survive? are they friendly? so many things keep running around my head! And i got my answer..i'm a complete outcast..a stranger..nobody wants to talk to me..except for Fatin. 80% of them are chinese in that i thought..u knw..since they are chinese..wouldn't be so bad and WOW am i wrong! Some of the girls won't talk to me cuz i'm 'bangsa lain' and sum..cuz they can't speak english well."== *sigh* i just need to adjust myself. Nowadays i dun mind recessing alone..i can get my work done..though i feel lonely once in a while. But..sometimes i think is good..cuz i'll hve more time finished my homework and all..oh yeah! The Kok there is same like primary!!!!! Darn! No Ninjitsu,silat,st.Johns,or same like Seafield. Gosh! Terpaksa join the lame once..:( But they hve Bahasa Jap! But i didn't join cuz it's in the mornining! Damn it. I find myself quite busy these days and tired! Everyday i hve to put up wqith maths and add maths! Gosh..really. Oh the principle offered me to sub science class..but i rejected it..*sigh* it was my goal to get in sub science but now i think of it..i better stick to the subjects i'm comfortable with. But i feel i should taken the offer but..nah! why suffer? Lol. I happy with my subjects..feels great. doesn't matter if ur in a bad class or a good long you can keep up with it.:) Hehe..i had alot coming for me so BRING IT! i'll never give up!:) Peace out!