Tuesday, June 7, 2011

That's the way it should be..

I been thinking alot lately and i think since i moved to Puchong...i can see that i must stand on my own two feet. My life has totally changed and i have to go through alot of things on my own.It may be hard but i have to stay strong. In school...i have to concertrate by myself. I hve to focus and no one is there to help me. I have to understand everything by myself. At tution,i felt like i'm the most stupid person anwsers are always wrong i feel like i'm failing all the time. I tried so hard but my effort wasn't enough. I dun hve much friends there oni one. At chuirch my best friend left me and i have to continue my time being alone and friendless. I'm not sure what this is..could it be a punishment? Or just something that God wants me to learn and be something useful. I ned and i MUST gain more knowledge. This few days i'hve been wasting my time on the computer and i can't seem to stop! It's like i became addicted to it. This has to stop. My english and my bm spelling gotten worst. I feel like all the things i used to knw slowy started to vanish. This is all my fault. I must get my knowledge back before i became more stupid. My history about the world is soo low. I'm not even good with directions..and i suck at doing house as well. i'm totally useless. Yes i'm useless. i have to find away to get more knowledge aobut things before i hve to regret this for the rest my life...