Saturday, August 20, 2011

One of my worst nightmares! T.T

Ok. it's been like almost a week and as you all know that i normally would update my blog once a week but sometimes i get so busy..or maybe lazy. xD Hey that rhymes! :D Anyway, last night was my/one of my WORST nightmare. I dreamt something so scary that i woke up crying. Ok today i'll be posting about that. So when your read this don't laugh ok? Cuz it definately gave me a shock and i was really realive to find it was all a dream. Here goes, last night i dreamt about my grandmother. U see me and my grandma are really close. WE have a really strong relationship between us and if anything happens to her...i dun knw what i'll do. I dreamt...that..she died. It was a REALLY sick dream. In my dream i was walking home and i saw her lying on the road and ambulans came and another lady beside her was also dead. It was really shocking and i was in shock. So i was like "this is a dream! Gotta be a dream" i kept telling myself to wake up wake up but i just won't wake up. So u see sometimes in dreams or when ur dreaming u can feel like it's so real. It's like it's really happening. And that's what i basically i was crying in my sleep. I was like "No! No! Popo( that's what i called her)". And an angel came down and handed me this phone and told me to dial this num. And i did. And it line straight to my grandmother voice. I was like "popo! Don't go! I miss you. I love you popo!' I keep repeating the same thing. And popo told me it was ok. and i said i love you popo. And her voice was so cheerful i kept crying. So in the middle of the night...i woke up and burst into tears! Btw, i'm crying while i'm posting this. I can't remember the rest so i'll just stop her. *blows nose*This all too creppy trying to recall all this shit but's haunt me for a while but hope it'll leave FAST! :'(

Saturday, August 13, 2011

They just don't get it!

Right.First things first. I knw i'm not the only one that does ok. I'm sure all teens do this cuz that's what we do when we're mad we our parents. Today i had an arguement with my dad. He told me to clean my book shelf and i did. U knw what he said? He said oh it doesn't look clean and bla bla bla. WEll u knwwhat? I organize it properly so it will be easier for me to take and put my books back. So i talk back to him. Then said 'why do i always like to talk back whenever this kind of situation'? I kept quite. But in my mind i was thinking..i hve my reasons. U see when i was small, i use to not do house things( kinda normal) but then i began to give house things a try then my parents start scolding for doing it."== Tsk parents. So as life goes on the same thing happen over again. I feel unappreciated. How would u feel? So everythime when my parents telling my off i talk back because i feel hurt! like i said..unappreciated. A word i dun like at ALL! i went for bk quiz and i saw me old friends! So we hang and hang till time goes by. Ahh catching up with old times.:) Feels great~~ Gee i gtg..i'll update soon! :D

Friday, August 5, 2011

Things that just happened sometimes. T.T

Hi guys it's been like..........a while i knw. I'm sorry if i haven't been posting my blog much cuz..i'm lazy. XD I knw that not much people will actually read my blog i my blog is not attractive or really boring.. i'm just writing about the facts guys..( most of the time) Ok! My exam just finished and so far i got crappy results except my english(yay) but yeah. And now i'm suffering with a major sore throat and it sucks! It hurts! And super annoynig!"== Plus, think i'm coming down with a flu..but the best part about it it's that..i skipped tution! But the problem is that it's add maths!! SHITTTT~~!! Why must it be on the add maths day? Not yesterday? I dun mind skipping bm...(i'm sorry bm teacher) "^^Anyway,Do u knw what's worst being a teenager?? No? Well let me tell yeah..its ZITS!!! PIMPLES! Oh the nightmare! MY skin its like full of it damn it! :( But now it's sort..well maybe curing. Reducing i mean. I hate this pimples! It makes my face oily+ictcy!To be honest i dun knw..sometimes i looked at sub teen magazine ant look at those celebrity with like major perfect skin! I would ask myself...why can't i look like that? But now i realize that...nobodys perfect and i should be grasteful i'm born with a complete face. U knw what i mean right?Maybe i'm just going through puberty but yeah.,.. it just stinks tobe cover with pimples and zits and worst of all SCARS! Urgh the horror! i secretly wish that i could just u knw...go back time and take really care of my face. Sometimes when the zits just won't go away..i felt like asking 'ZITS! what's ur problem? Why can't you just go away?!" I just fely like screaming. Lol ok new topic..u knw to be really friends in puchong..all of them have boyfriends and ex boyriends/girlfriends. :O I'm like so shock! I mean when they herd i'm still single..they like stared at me like i'm sort of a new human spiecies! Rude much? Lol. Well u see in my OLD skul my friends are ALL single! We never even thought of having a boyfriend cuz we focus more in grades and passing PMR (at that time) Now that i shifted i felt like an outcast..but i have my pride! I'm not intrested in having a bf with any of the students in my skul cuz so far as i knw..the relationships there are not sincere...i dun like cheap relatinoships or just for fun relationships. Im' a serious person when it comes to picking a guy( Just to let u knw i'm not trying to say i want one) cuz i watched movies and i had seen reality and if i HAD to have one the guy i want must be:
1. A catholic
2.Good sense of humour
5.Love life(like me. :P)
7.ok maybe not too ugly( i knw looks dun matter)

O-k so far that's all i can think right now.. but maybe i'm asking alittle TOO mUCH :O but i think no guys have a character like this( except fantasy guys) xD
Yeah today my post is quite i'll just stop here...see yeah guys! Look forward to more post! :D