Monday, May 28, 2012

It's clear to me now...O

Ok. See this pic? What does it tell u? WEll in my little opinion, i think this pic really gives me the strength to hold to the Lord. I mean to see the Lord catch u from behind when ur about to fall is seriously inspiring! I mean come on..who will be there to catch u when ur about to fall from ur knees? U knw, i'm really glad to be born as a Christian! To actually knw tht there is actually someone there who catches u, be with u every single day without fail. There's no human tht is perfect enough for tht. I think the reason i keep holding through life is because of Him. Everyday i love him more and more...some of my frens dun get it. Whenever they ask me, y hold on to something like tht, I felt so sorry for them. Because they can't seem to see and feel what i felt. I always try my best to share the word of the Lord to my frens but i can see tht they are not interested. It's quite sad actually. Plus, i hve a fren who is madly in love with a guy who is a catholic like me. But she's a different religion. She got so upset tht he wasn't interested in her because she's from other religious. And she complain to me and i remember she said 'Catholics are so stubborn' at tht point i wanted to slap her. But of course rational thinking..i hold on to myself. Just becuz he's not interested she said tht?! I just smile and said 'Oh well'. But i knw i should defend myself but i guess i just kept quite because i leave it all to the Lord. I hope someday, the Lord will touch her and make her open up her heart. Sometimes i just want to run away from this earth and just ran to the Lord. I knw He will come to me with open arms. U see tht's what is so AMAZING about God. He doesn't look through ur sins. He is always ready to accept u if ur ready to accept him. Sometimes i just wanna leave everything behind and walk with the Lord. I always dreamed since i was a little girl, tht one day i can see Him. I always wanted to see Him. I'm just anxiously waiting for tht day to come. Keep on waiting everyday. To simply just go away from this place. It's so filled with crimes, lies, heartbrokens and worst of all, not being accepted by others. It''s.. so shitty! U knw?! Forgive me for my language but tht's how i feel.Anyways, my holiday just started and here i am infront of the com updating my blog, nothing else to do although i hould really get started on my homework and my accounts project but yeah..lazy mode on. But hopefully i'll be able to get things done before next week because i really want to enojy my second week of hols to the fullest! ;)