Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sisters forever?

Hey guys, it's been a long time since my last post but here's another yeah. It's been so so so long...yeah alot has happen. I'm currently enjoying my job. Good frens and good manager. Lol kinda reminds me of school. :) I'll be registering for driving nthis sat and i'm hoping it will turn out well cuz i really wanna get my license before college. Kinda abit nervous to start college life. i mean feels really.. i dunno scary? Meeting smarter people then u, puberty? peer pressure? lol...yikes huh? Anyway, about my title post well, i meant by sisters forever is tht, u see i been questioning abt my best fren lately, well i'm not sure if we should call each other best frens anymore, not tht we're not frens anymore, we are just tht now, i think she decided to grow farther relationship with me...i dunno it's just tht she doesn't seems to appreciate our frenship. I understand tht we dun see each other anymore but, my point is i guess iwas a little hurt or more cuz i done alot for her. i been a good fren and was there when she needed me but now she's acting like none of tht happen and come to think abt her character, i see why i had been so stupid to go along with her rotten characteristics. But now i see how it is. I have to move on and forget abt her. She's just sum1 tht i use to knw from now on. Good riddance my fren, i wish u happiness in future.