Friday, September 11, 2009

Arghhh Stress!!

STRESS!!!! So much to do so little time! Exam next week! Darn it! Then must study the names of all the PIBG names,penolong kanan and pengetua names for the interview with the morning section prefect.:( They're so scary!! Wow! i can't beliave next year must be soo serious and strict! No fun!:(:( But i'm not letting those losers destroy my fun!>:) Hehe..xD. Anyway O.o i can't beliave sum ninjitsu white belts already went to green! No fair! i train so hard but sensei always see the newbies only! Me& Sing Joo still white belt! I HATE it!:-/ If next year i still white belt i'm quiting! I won't hate ninjitsu but SENSEI!!*Sigh* i love ninjitsu so much and i can't get green belt!I even wasted my money on ninjitsu items!:( Ninjitsu has bee my passion for a very long time and it'll always will be.:) Alright! Enought with this passion stuff! This week was my bro birhtday! Gave him 5 bucks! Had cake too!:) 2 down 1 more to go.xD Urgh! Gotta so call bro turns! Man always like this!:(