Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tagged by LynnetxD

To all music addicts, using only song titles from ONE ARTIST (in my case ONE BAND), cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to some people you like and include me [omg...pls do NOT include me]. Try not to repeat a song title.
Pick your artist
:Michael Jackson
Describe yourself
:Year 3000
How do you feel about yourself:
Happy to be alive
Your favourite form of transportation
: Life is A Highway.
Your favourite colour is
: Ocean blue
Favourite time of day
: 10am
If your life were a TV show, what would it be called
: Because I'm Stupid
What's life to you
:I Am What I Am.
What is the best advice you have to give
: Never give up hope.:)
If you could change your name, what would it be
: Hm..not sure, probably something stupid!xD
Your favourite food is
: CHICKEN!!!-)
Thought for the day
: Will i past my final exam
How would you like to die
: 3000 swords thrown at me!(just kidding)
Your soul's present condition
: Shipwreck.
The faults you can bear
: It Ends Tonight
Your motto
:Hakuna Matata