Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I just miss my childhood

Oh how i miss my childhood.Lol i sound as if i'm old.xD Well, right now i'm obessed with 'The Lion King'.xDD When i first saw the show,i remeber when i was young. I realize kids show are pretty nice(not Barney or those kind of stuff) I mean like Lion King,Finding nemo,Toy Story. I just can't wonder if those show are soo not for me to watch anymore. Aha, Disnery shows are always the best.:) Last Sunday i went to church i felt so..holy.=) The songs are so holy,cheerful and i can feel Jesus is somewhere in the Church. Joining us. After church i ask for Father's Blessing and i was suprise that he knew what i wanted to say. i was like 'Father,please bless me' and just when i wanted to say'bless me to do well in exams but he said" Oh yes,for exams right? and i was like' yeah'. Wow! Mind reader.xD I think the best thing in my life is being a Catholic Christian.It's like a journey.Whenever i'm bored or depressed and sometimes in trouble, i talk to God. Somehow i feel better and happy. I know He is with me everyday. I say my prayer everyday,during meals and before bed. I feel blessed everyday.:) Seeing Jusus pic and painting always makes me feel happy.It's like i can feel him.Aha..i feel weird expressing these stuff out but i can't help it.I should right a book.Lol Maybe i could but what are blogs for right? So far my operation gaining weight during hols is not working.:( Maybe i'm not eating much.Damn! I can still try i guess.:):)I'm running out of topics so i guess i should stop here. I'll update next time.:)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Topic? Still thinking.

Hm...Wow! 1 week of hols is over??! Yikes..i haven't been enjoying my hols anyway so yeah.Shoot! i'm suppose to make another pg for seafield goss but forgotten..damn! Nvm i'll start later.:) Just need to get the's see..what hve i been doing for the past few days?Eat,sleep,watch anime,do seni project,more anime and study(abit).Lol that's pretty much.:) *sigh* I been eating alot...i need to gain alittle weight cuz my relatives says i'm skinny as a stick!">< I had to admit..i do hve chop stick legs.xD Well that's what my cousin like to say when i was young.xD Good times. I been thinking about my childhood lately and..oh gosh how i miss it. Being a kid is fun but sometimes..not so much.Yesterday i went to Seetha house.:) We had fun. We went to a playground behind her house. Chatting and chatting till it staterd to rain."== Darn u rain! Ruin our fun.Man...i need to work hard on my drawing...i didn't draw for a long time..reasons:1.out of idea,2.No time,3.don't feel like it. I draw alot when i was small.xD But now..getting tired of it. Today i clean my room and i found..a dead rat!! Kidding!xD Of course not. Just sum dust and all. When i check my wardrobe...i have alot of cloathes! But sadly..i can't fit into them anymore.:( So i pack them up and put them in a bag. Decide to give to the orphan.Aha...right now i hve a cup of tea beside me, a bright sky and a piece of cake staring at me.CAKE!! Yay!! Hm..hols are almost over. I dun feel stressful anymore u knw..after exams and everything. Tomorrow m going to Devine Mercy Church. Yahoo! I can't wait! i love that church! Very holy..hehe. Not to be churchsis or anything. Oh gosh here i'm babling all crappy stuff. I'll say no more.:) Till next time we meet.:)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

How can human be so cruel?

I DUN BELIEVE THIS!!! HOW CAN SUCH HUMAN DO SUMTHING LIKE THIS???!!!!! Sumone killed my puppies and they're unforgiveable!!!! IF i find out who that jerk is i promise myself I"LL KILL HIM/HER! Well not really kill but if only i could! I practically burst into tears when i saw what happen to them. Their blood stain was on the road and i could see my dad was really like about to cry..cuz u dad never cries. Hm..maybe i imagine it.*sigh* now there's 4 use to be 6 now..4.:'( Why are sum human like this? Y can't they just leave them alone? I mean..they're are still small they won't hurt anyone. Just leave them alone!!!It's a good thing i took pics of memories..My hols are ruin and it's just the begining..I'm also quiting prefect but i'll lay on the details next i feel like i want to just 'kill' sumone.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

HOORAY!! Holidays!!=)

Wahoooooooo!! Exams are over and now it's time for HOLIDAYS! Two weeks of sweet hols.:):) Great! Rite..for the past few weeks, i'm like working hard on my exams and i'm not sure how i did.:( I realy hope i got good marks cuz i seriously work hard! So yeah, hm..dun think will go anywhere for the hols or maybe might meet up with joee,ai mun and wei teng at Sunway but that not so sure. Ahhh...feels great to be posting again. But hve to type fast cuz com can shut down anytime. Today went to church and we had an exhibition about the history of the church and the colours the priest sumtimes wear for Mass. I hve to admit..quite boring..but i had fun. Better then to stay at home doing nothing rite? Hehe..i'm still planning my hols time table so i hven't got anything excieting to post....yet.xD So yeah! Bye!:)