Friday, June 11, 2010

Topic? Still thinking.

Hm...Wow! 1 week of hols is over??! Yikes..i haven't been enjoying my hols anyway so yeah.Shoot! i'm suppose to make another pg for seafield goss but forgotten..damn! Nvm i'll start later.:) Just need to get the's see..what hve i been doing for the past few days?Eat,sleep,watch anime,do seni project,more anime and study(abit).Lol that's pretty much.:) *sigh* I been eating alot...i need to gain alittle weight cuz my relatives says i'm skinny as a stick!">< I had to admit..i do hve chop stick legs.xD Well that's what my cousin like to say when i was young.xD Good times. I been thinking about my childhood lately and..oh gosh how i miss it. Being a kid is fun but sometimes..not so much.Yesterday i went to Seetha house.:) We had fun. We went to a playground behind her house. Chatting and chatting till it staterd to rain."== Darn u rain! Ruin our fun.Man...i need to work hard on my drawing...i didn't draw for a long time..reasons:1.out of idea,2.No time,3.don't feel like it. I draw alot when i was small.xD But now..getting tired of it. Today i clean my room and i found..a dead rat!! Kidding!xD Of course not. Just sum dust and all. When i check my wardrobe...i have alot of cloathes! But sadly..i can't fit into them anymore.:( So i pack them up and put them in a bag. Decide to give to the orphan.Aha...right now i hve a cup of tea beside me, a bright sky and a piece of cake staring at me.CAKE!! Yay!! Hm..hols are almost over. I dun feel stressful anymore u knw..after exams and everything. Tomorrow m going to Devine Mercy Church. Yahoo! I can't wait! i love that church! Very holy..hehe. Not to be churchsis or anything. Oh gosh here i'm babling all crappy stuff. I'll say no more.:) Till next time we meet.:)