Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just a simple boring week!>:(

Yeayo! My new skul is soo boring till u feel like u want to cry!"== Nothing good ever happens just day after day..going through the same things. Doin the same things. Boring right? Well, everyone has their own opinion. my old skul..there's always something goin on...AND! This dude same skul with me and same group in confirmation was like 'i love my skul'. I just stare at him like when u saw a bug being squash. Lol. I mean seriously! Love? There's nothing to love about that skul!"== The darn teachers keep taking advantage with the students money! Like if we forgot to bring our book or didn't write the index we hve to pay RM 1 or 2 or if it's a project undone it' ll be RM5! Why so longing to take money from us?! But of course i didn't kenalar. Boring,boring,boring!Even my classmates are so..lame. I just HATE it when talk in mandrin! So what if u can talk mandrin? Big deal! who cares? what's the point? i mean really what is THE Point? Just because ur so good at it u dun hve to talk that language when it comes to a mixture group! Tsk no wonder their english sucks! I knw i'm typying all this nonsense but i'm letting out all my anger. I dun care if there read my blog or what. They deserve a good boxing in the ear! Even tution i get the same atmosphere. This time is indians. The only day i'm always looking forward is Confirmation class. I dun care wheather if i HVE to get up early every Sun to attend cuz it's the day where i can see everyone getting along taking the same language where EVERYone can understand.*urgh!* right...need to calm dorn..gotta chill. Inhale in, inhale out. Geeez..feling so much better.;) let's see. i hve like a week more to my exam and i'm so worried cuz the past few weeks i been pushing myself to study hard but it doesn't seems to effect my brain."== Si i dun think i'll be posting anything next week though.:( So..i'll see u guys after my exams. Wish me luck!:)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine Day!:)

Oh gosh...actually it was yesterday.xD But anyway, that i think of it..i miss being a prefect..i really do. Sometimes i miss how when i was prefect i remember all the neat stuff me and my friends did together.:( Argh! i miss it!:'( Ok..let's see..these days i'm really,really,REALLY trying my best to start concentrating on studying cuz my exams are next month(yikes)! So much to understand and memorize and practice!"== Why must do form 4 have to start getting more and more busy? It's soo unfair! When i look at the form 5 during asembly, they seems so calm!O.o what's their secret?Lol. Right now..i'm having a sore throat which it sucks cuz it makes my throat itchy!:( DArn u throat!xD To be honest..i really forgotten what i'm suppose to be typing in my blog cuz i was suppose to update last week but i couldn't log in cuz it was jam and now it works? Gee..this com do hve the nerve to make me mad!"== Argh! Lol. I been doing sum reseacrh about french nails.xD It looks so cool that day i saw a video how the girl did and it was so cool! i been doin on my toes to..but i failed!:( My bro gace me a B-C."== Gee thx bro. Plus, i felt like a change(abit). I mean i'm not as hyper as i use to be and i'm getting all serious almost very thing. And if i dun get my things done on time i'll be really angry!O.o I feel so different. I'm stressing out! i'm so frustrated about myself. U see..the reason in my new skul i dun make so many frens in my new skul is because i find it hard to concentrate on my studies with frens aroud me. Cuz when frens around me i dun feel like studying..i felt like hanging out with them and it's totally distracting me. Next year i'll be taking my huge exams and i want to make sure i did REALLY well. So~~ i been doimg research on study tips and getting all serious and all. *sigh* i need a scholarship. I want to enter to Taylor collenge! Or a good one. At least then i can get a good job. Which my ambition is to be anccountent.:) But my accounts teacher is soo boring till it makes the subject boring and lame.:( BUT! I hve to work hard. So..having no frens around me ain't so bad.O.o Depends on ocasion.xD Like koko..i went last week and it SUCKS! Super boring. My fren felt sick and went home so i got stuck with her frens.They But, they kept gossiping(most of them hve boyfriends) about other girls with boyfriends( i knw..girls right) but this way of limits! They say a little TOO MUCH! But i was the only one there blur(which is good) and feeling bored cuz i hve no idea what they are talking about.*yawn* it's like 11.05 am..i'm soo tired..i guess i'll stop typing now.:)Catch u guys later.:)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy CNY!!:)

Haha today's the 4th day of Chinese New Year i think.:) Gosh this year i'm getting so many angpao!Hehehehe.xD But the annoying part is i just can't keep them i just hve to at least spend some of it!"== Darn myself. I'msuppose to be saving up for a new phone but my mom made a deal with me..she said she'll buy me a new phone IF i at least get 4A in my exam...but she didn't say which one!O.o Darn...i just asume the monthly one.xD But...$A is quite a challenge for me.Gee...must work hard i guess.The problem is..i'm too lazy to do that.Lol. Yikes! Tomorrow is skul days again! Nooooooooooooooooo~~ Goodbye hols!*sobs* I hate skul now...stressing alot besides i dun hve any friends in skul so i consider it boring. Not that i'm complaining it's just that ahhahaha i dun hve anyone to joke with or laugh on something. Well, imagine ur in my'll be really lonely.:( Ah! Anyway, I soo obessed with the song 'Dela' by Johnny Clegg. It's the soundtrack from George of the jungle.:) I hate the part two. So lame...all of the sudden different characters."== I hate movies like that..i mean when we watch the first part of a show and the second one came out with different actor/actress playing the part drives me crazy. It makes me think that it isn't the movie just some wannabe trying act out that part..ok i don't think i make alot of sense here..nvm!I'm thinking of cutting my hair again..but..i miss long hair.:( Soo mixed up right now. Aha i still hve at least two small homework that i haven't done.Plus, i'm in a middle trying to finish up someone B'day gift(i'm not gonna mention the name yet incase the certain someone reads this post) so i'm practically swamp now. i gotta think what i need to get ready for skul tomorrow.:( Darn skul! If only i can blast them away! U knw..i'm actually typing crap now..i have no dea what to type on my's just i thought i might as well update it for fun.:) Too hee!xD Hm..i think this is all i'll say for now..till next time.:)