Friday, March 25, 2011

Finally! The WEEKENDS~~

Woot! Tow days of rest!*do the happy dance* Urgh! What a week! This week isn't good for me..i keep loosing my work sheets and been scold by my damn shit(sorry can't help it) bm teacher! "== She won't even let me finish explaining she started to scold me like crap!Argh! Screw her than she knw! Stupid B**** Gosh i'm getting all cheese up! MUst chill...i'm sort of a good mood now cause of tomorrow i'm like going out with my friend to IOI Mall! But the issue now is I'M BROKE! T_T *sigh* sad case..but i think i still hve a few strings with me so i guess i still be able to survive tomorrow....xDD Anyway, i'm still wondering IF i should watch a movie quite sure...just afraid i got not enough money with me..unless my 'kind hearted mum' gives me abit..or maybe i should ask for my school allowance that'll make things easier.I'm sure to get scold...oh pls God...pls give a little money tomorrow!! Geez to is a little to much...drama~~ add maths are improving(a little) i just need to buckle up my understanding skills and memory! My memory is soo poor! Let's see..while im brain storming what i want to type i might as well describe whati'm wearing..a long sleeveless shirt,short pants and my hair tied.xD Some random stuff...agh! so far i got i'll stop here ..till next time! :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hols is just another issue

*sigh* Ok..i'm so sick of going tutuion and skul homework still undone and there's oni a few days before skul reopen! Damn!Damn!Damn! I'm so fed up of theses things!">< I think i'll ponteng tution finish up my homework! Not to fool around...xD Anyway, last Sat i went to Sunway with my friends(from Seafield) and we had a really good time.:) not so fun though..cuz there was afew uncomfortable moments.:( But i think we are all good now.:)Me, Jac and Jolin watch I'm number 4 and it's soo awesome!!:):)I love's like um..i dun knw but it's so cool!:):) Woot! Now i'm waiting for I'm number four2! xDD Teehee! Lol. Ok so far my hols are so suckish! Boring boring boring!*sigh* Puchong isn't so fun to hang out. It's not like subang where Summit is so near or a stone throw away to ur frens house..No! it's not.:( But! i guess i hve to suck it up and move on...yikes. Btw, my mom said i hve to go tution!! Damn! I dun wanna go! It's so boring and today is bm and maths!! Noo~~~T_T oh well, that's how i go through my holsi guess.:'(

Friday, March 4, 2011

Waiting for results. exams are over now i'm like waiting for my results! Argh! The worst things in life besides exam! *sobs* my add maths!!!T.T I'm not gonna type out what i get in my blog(not the marks) Cuz it makes me feel sad for recieving such a mark! ">< Anyway...Some darn guy got 94 4 his freaking maths(not add maths) and his was like so dissapointed. I felt like giving a darn slap! Dae! If i get that kind of mark ah i'll start screaming in joy man!Aiyo...people these days..Urgh! makes me so mad! Lol. I dun knw why i get so work up about this. I think it's because i envy him..which it's true.:) I mean 94/100? Who wouldn't? week i can't wait! I'm gonna meet my frens(from seafield) at SUNWAY! Wahoo! *Do the happy dance*Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! YAY!~~~I'm just soo excieted! i mean, it's been SO LONG i never seen any of them.:) U would too if ur in my place. Aha..we're gonna hve a blast! Just hoping nothing goes wrong..or i'll really get upset.:( I'm obsessed with the Kim possible song! teehee, Nice. Like my cousin always says ' That's my jam!' :):) Haha hehe! So like anyway, i dun really hve much to post about but i think i''l stop her e until i got anyting to edit. :)