Thursday, May 26, 2011

Just another fairytale

Today's topic is not gonna be about fairytales actually..i just love the topic. xD So helllo my blog! How are you? Hm..dun u think it's weird to say..'Dear blog, today is a vry happy day for me...' it's like ur talking to ur blog. Just a wonder, y do people say dear diary or dear blog or dear whatever? it's not like they can reply to us...yeah i guess i'll never know that won't i? Anyways! I fineshed my exams and i'm like totally free and there's two weeks of hols! TWO SWEET WEEKS OF NO SCHOOL!! Isn't it great?? I skul but there's homework and tution.:(*sighs* this is like one of the ways to kill a teen! I mean homework for hols? I mean i dun blame the tution cuz parents are paying but homework!"== Which part of the holiday do they not get?! H.O.L.I.D.A.Y! Shhesh! it's not what us students get everyday!Would it kill them to not gice us homework?! Urgh!!!! Yeah i knw i'm getting all melodrama bout this but i can't help it..i mean i just had my exams finish(after 3 weeks of studying like a maniac) and i would like to use my time doing things i like to do..i dun hve the mood to pick up my books and start seraching for the answers and trying to do them like maths and add maths! i been holding a bout of the past three weeks and it's getting into my nerves! Wow! Must be the stress. xDbut nothing a little two weeks of hols can't help. :) Hehe i'm like watching barbie mermaid something. xD i dun knw y i'm still attracted to kids shows. :) it's like fun to watch u knw...there's something u get to knw about childish shows...they hve kid of thing that it's like straidght forward u knw..if u compare barbie movies to high school musical for bengkang bengkok...u get it? like no..distractions nothing to make it seems so yer...y she must act like that ah? Those type of things..barbie movies are like calm and happy kind of type.:) let's just get back to the topic..the point is...children shows are really nice to watch..they dun show about what is life happening but just what life should be.:) Urgh! my fingers are like tired of typying so TTFN!XD

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I think it means something...

O-k i bet ur wondering what's up with the pic and this title. Well, today's topic is about life,journey,the meaning of it . I'm 16 so i dun really knw much about travelling cuz i seldom travel around. But, when u look at this picture, just clear off ur mind for abit..calmly look at it without any distraction goin on through ur mind like just empty it..take away all that stressful thoughs and u can see scratch that, feel like ur in the picture. Can u feel it? I chose this pic cuz it makes me imagine i'm in a place where there's no worries but just peace, happiness and enjoying peaceful life...hace u ever had that feeling? a place where u could just go and avoid the chaos and pollution happening aroud the world. I'm a city girl(i think) and i dun really hve much knowledge in country side but i think there are so lucky if they get to see this types of places. Um..apart from what's in that place wheather it has leaches or snakes or any of that kind of thing...take avatar of exaple..those blue people (xD) hve u watch the movie? I think it's a very great movie. Oh i sure wish i'm there.:) I like houses that hve alot of nature things..i'm a type of person that loved being surrounded by nature since young actually. I remembered the time my fren Jac gave me this little tiny waterfall box...when i click and the water stars's so...beautiful.:') I mean if u close the lights and let in alittle bit of small light shine in..with few candles and just sit at a corner and listen to the sound of the water running..ahh...peace.;) I pick this song cuz i think it suits todays topic. Lol. Every lyric in this's soo...meaningful.:) Maybe u dun get what 'im actually trying to pointed out neither..i just type what comes in my mind...despite my typing errors(*sigh*) but i hve quite a imagiation as u can see.:)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It been a long time

YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm BACK! Lol i'm so sorry for like not posting for SUCH a long time cuz i got some com issues but no matter my mom took care of it.:):) Thx mom! Anyway, the most hottest news right now in Malaysia is that people could not get off the bieber fever! I mean everyone is still talking about it even after he um he came i think at 21st April.:) Awesome. But sadly, i didn't get to go the concert but i went to watch his movie in 3D. I love 3D movies the seems so real especially scary ones. :) Oh I forgot! I manage to get no 8 in class.:) Yay! And i got 4th place in sum essay competition.:) I'm quite proud on meself.:) I'm working hard cuz mid-term are around the another 3 weeks of not posting...:( so many things happen but the problem is i just can't recall! I hate tution! the people there are so stuck up! Plus, WHY must they give us mid year exam when our schoool exam is already a pain in the neck!Gosh! I kind of miss my long hair......sort of regret of cutting it..but the past is the turning back unless you knw..there's a time mechine or sumthing.xD Argh! i guess i should go now..there's alot i hace unfinished bussiness to do. xD