Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I can never understand my parents and the feeling is mutual for them. I dun think in my family we understand what we're going through..lifes hard and everybody have different opinion. No one is perfect. We go through life difficulties and we choose whether to stand up again everytime we fall. Today i had a VERy rough day. I'm so freaking( i wish i could say the F word) tired. My mom scolded me for skipping tution even i tried my best to not skipped it cuz I.HAD.NO.CHOICE. It's not my fault ok? My moral teacher needed my help..but before i touch that part i actually took the risk by staying back for my english on wheels club. Teaching primary students is HARD..Espectially those who hate u and u hate them. Anyway, after my section i was planning to go straight home. I had too cuz my mom will cut me up if i'm late but eventually she had the chance.Anyway, i was on my way home but then my moral teacher came to me and begged me to help her cuz she was so tight up and i couldn't refuse( what was i thinking?) so i said sure. She promise to send me to tution as soon as the job was over but then later on i end up going home at 6.30 ( so much for going to tution) and that's when my mom came and yelled at me for being a slacker. Yeah well so what if i am? I'm not saying i am but if i AM a slacker or a drug dealer who is she to judge me when she too could not judge herself? She DOES NOT KNOW ME TOO WELL to start yelling at me. AS a mother you should know what sort of a person i am and accept and respect who i ought to be. I'm not a parent yet so i can't say more than that when or IF i am i would never be like HER. I'm not trying to put dirt to my mom's character but you see...i might be a better person. I mean if i have a child i would or will understand what's happening to his/her life CUZ i was once a teen. 'Saling memahami antara anggota keluarga' that's something my parents+family should have or learn. I dunno..once i'm all grown up..let's see how things goes..if this is how they are going to threat me then i WILL break my connection with them. What i'm typing her is just words..but if ur in my place u'll knw how i feel. Many people may use this phrase more than once but any teen goes through what i been i knw what they're feeling. i better appologize to my friends for acting such a jerk today cuz i was in a bad mood for skipping tution and 1 kind of took it out on them. THis is what i'm posting now so just wait till i post another u