Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I hope it stays that way...

Hey guys~ hope u guys had a great week. So this week is my 2nd week of skul..and wow! I'm surprise that everything seems so...nice.:) What i mean by nice is and my fren are in the same one in my class got streamed and i get to sit beside sum guy who can actually teach me add maths and modern maths( Just to make things clear..teacher decided to put us boy girl pattern)I was actually sitting with my frens but he can come in really handy sometimes.:) I just hope things will be great like this till i graduate.:D I pray! xD lol. anyway, i look forward to Chinese New Year cuz ang pau...and..well basically that. I really need to save up if i wanna buy a new phone.."== Anyway, yeah well...since i can't get a job( cuz of my aunt) i have to depend on my allowance.So...this's sort of a stressful week..cuz it's just the begining of the year..yeah. BUT it's thursday now so i look forward to the weekends!;D Aha, i can't wait for my confirmation! I hope it's gonna be sumthing good that i can remember for the rest of my life. It's weird being adult...ok teen going on adult. It's hard to act mature in my age...i mean sumtimes i will but sumtimes i just want to be a kid again. Like if i watch disnet movies( yes i still watch em) or see sumthing that made me recall my childhood...i just felt so LUCKY that i had a chance to experiance things that no more been made. I feel sorry for those who born or in the year 2006-2012. Cuz things CHANGE compare then last time where everybody isn't sooo obsessed with techno!Like phones,MP3, FB and more! Ok maybe i'm abit like that...oni in fb and my mp3.Although..i miss my camp frens but oh well, i'm not really close to them anyways. I been watching hair tutorial over youtube..aha wanted to cut my hair so been looking out for hairstyles. BUT I do recommand u guys to watch lilcammo93. She is awesome! she's Auzzie and yeah. Her accent is nice and all the hairstyles she do suits her and maybe u guys as well. :) In case ur intrested......I got tution later...around five-ish. *sigh* Everyday is tuition day for me..well except for the weekends but on sun..hve to church...">< so i'm oni free on a Sat...i guess. DO UGUYS KNW i'm practically obsessed with the 80s-90s?!! :D THEY ARE AWESOME! I mean..can u really find songs like this now? Uh-huh i dun think so! Although my fren says they suck i strictly disagree with her. Dun u guys feel the same? I mean songs that are created now...dun make sense."== like it's oni the melody and the words they use(which i hve no idea what the are trying to proof) made their songs sound catchy. Believe me if young people are not so intrested in the S word or that, their career will seriously be flushed away. BELIEVE ME! The reason the artist now are so freaking famous cuz of their faces and body looks( bieber,selena,david archuleta..etc)it's not because of their song. Maybe 30% song 70% looks! How do i knw? well, i'm a teen so i'm basically blend in with my generations. EXCEPT like bieber, selena gomez and any of those people. WEll this is a LONG post. So i'll see u guys real soon and BYE~ :)GOD BLESS