Monday, January 2, 2012

Goodbye 2011 Hello 2012

Wow! Just thinking about it reminds me of when i was young and it's like 2001,2002 but now...2012! Gosh! How time sure flies....*sigh* This year is REALLY BIG for me...this is the year where i'll be sitting of my SPM...and shit i'm practically freaking out. Who knew right? it's like the exam for my future. Anyway, i'm posting this the day before skul starts. I seriously DUN wanna go...:'( Usually when skul about to reopen i'll be really happy cuz i get to see my friends! But now...i dun wanna see any of my classmates in my so called 'new'skul(wow it's been a year) I knw it sounds mean but hey...i got reasons. i dun hve the mood for skul with them...they um....let's just say...their own kind. i'm not racist i'm just saying out the facts..great now i forgotten what i wanna say...*sigh* I hve three different lives...not saying i'm 2 face person. In school, at home and at church. The three places(if u call it) is how i can different shape my school i DUN FEEL comfortable at all...cuz i'm always alone..i recess alone and do things home..i'm with my family which i'm okay with that..cuz i can do my own thing and surf the internet all i want but at where i feel more at home...cuz ok my church is in SFX...and i dun really communicate with my classmates much but i feel like...really comfy..u knw? I just can't wait to finished up my school and bagan my life..i just wanna get away from the people i knw in Puchong...i want to loose contacts with them. It's just so frustrating to be around them...look to make it clear i'm not being bullied ok...i just DUN understand why..and i mean why can they get that it's time to communicate with other people besides their skin color...knw what i mean? That's is why i just can't wait to focus my studies..finished them and GET THE HECK OUT OF THERE...although there's time i wish i could spend my last year of skul with my REAL Frens....*sigh* Anyway..hope u guys hve a great week and see u guys real soon! :)