Saturday, September 22, 2012

It stings~~

Hello blog~ bit weird talking to a blog. Anywho, i'm bored so i decided And guess what? I have a secret but i won't tell u here but it's something to do with my skin. Yes's such a pain to have to take good care of it. Anyway, i read an article about lemons makes ur skin brighter and whiter so i decided to give it a go and guess what as i rub some lemon juice on my skin and BAM! It's stings so so so so badly. It's like waxing the hair off ur skin. It hurts so bad i just keep myself from screaming. I was like "Urghhhh~" hold it in. was my bad experience with lemons but my skin is all red now but i would like to see the results it turn out later. Haizzz..i'm crazy yes it's because i'm too cheap to buy whitening products at the pharmacy.xD Natural home remedies are a way cheap and less chemical to effect to ur skin/hair. So my trials is over and yes i'm very happy but next week is the results..and damn i'm so scared i could pee in my pants. Lol. No not really. I'm so nervous. I do not want to see my effort gone down to the drain. I mean..I WORKED so hard for this and it sucks if it turns out bad! and unfair!>:( Since my birthday had pass few days ago.. actually a week ago i had did some flashback this few days. I been thinking when i was young what i had done look like all good memories i have taken and recorded it in my mind. Have u ever been used by sum1 before? Yeah..thought so. It sucks. I recently found out tht someone was using me to get in a relationship with my best fren. As soon as i got to knw tht..boy did i confront tht person like mad. WE're not talking anymore and in the end my fren wasn't interested. XD It serve u right for using sum1 like that. U gain that person trust and thinking ' Oh great, i could count on him/her" but in the end they just stabs u in the cheese. Lol i dun really knw why cheese but yeah cheese. But it's anyway i i'll post soon~ TTFN

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy 17th Birthday to mee~~

Haha! Yeah i'm 17~~ woot! This year was the best birthday among all my birthdays!:) Why?? Because my parents didn't argue today. So i guess this is also consider the best birthday present~! ;) I mean my parents normally argue whenever we go out together as a went IOI actually we went to this new place called Parimidim and it was HUGE~! o.O But still renovating...and inside was all clothes shop nothing much and no FAST FOOD restaurants(yet) and i wanted pizza so we decided to go Ioi i took sum pics but i'll only post them in FB. And and i GOT A NEW PHONE~!! Woot I'm so happy..i mean finally. I been praying for a new phone and i guess God decided to give it to me on the right time and man it was. Haha i'm enjoying my new phone and well i enjoyed my birthday and yups i shall post soon. :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Ok is it just me or did i just forget on how to actually change my blogger template?? xD Weird i must be on drugs! Lol i'm kidding dun give me that look! Anyway, urgh what a waste of good sleep! Ok so i had this bible knowledge exam and i was completely unprepared! Y?? Because this week i had exams and i didn't have time to study. I excuse but listen. My exams schedule are really a mess. i hve to study everything last min. I even sacrifice my sleep just to study and boy did it stinks! I mean seriously! i thought pulling a all nighter actually works but no it doesn't..during the exam today i thought it would finally paid off but hell no! As soon as i got the eyes felt sleepy. I almost wanted to just drop dead on the table and take a few naps but no i forced myself to focus and i actually crap the whole paper. I felt bad cuz i should knw my own religion but this exam wasn't easy. They dun want just an eassay they want it exactly on the book. U can't edit ur own words or quotes. No! It has to be on the essay which it sucks cuz who can remember every single word in the bokok? Exact words? But i was wrong. I saw sum people was actually writing 5-7 pages long when mine is just 2 pages! But this is just trials which is good. Now it wake me up! It made me feel like there's no time to fool around and i WANT to get an A form my bible knowledge. I'm actually aiming 6 As for SPM..but i'm not sure if i can do it but i'll try. subjects are... - English (duh) -Moral -Bible Knowledge -Perdagangan -Science -Maths?? Well i'm hoping actually so yeah. xD haha anyways today was cool cuz it was my first time taking LRT with my frens~! Two of them actually. It was with Suzie and Nick. I was so excited at first i mean LRT with frens? how cool is that? Well we were SUPER DUPER late for exam. like 15 mins late cuz of Nick who had to come late cuz of work(didn't knew he had a job) Anyway but he got us MCD so basically i forgive for being late. I mean come we were only 15 mins late. Not to mention we had to walk like what seems like a 1000 miles to the school which is at Stella Maris beside(St. Anthony church). *rolleyes* Anywho, i been tired lately and i thought coming home i would sleep but nope! I actually bought a new DVD at my mom's working place on the way home. :) It was nice. LOL(Miley Cyrus) acts in it.At first i hesitate cuz i heard rumors that it was a bad movie but no. It was actually like what we teens are feeling. Except the drugs, and free sex part or the smoking pot. Other then that it was nice. It was more to american teen prob rather then asian teens? Man i'm crapping. Aha.. oh i forgot to mention tht my relationship is improving. :) I think it's because i'm growing up and my mom seems to try and create a close relationship with me. Plus, she's getting me a new phone. Which is actually hers but she just bought it this year and i like it. It got blue tooth, wifi ,songs i can jam into. Just what i want. I'm not too picky to my phone. Owh yeah. there was this incident when me and my frens were having luch at MCD. lol breakfast MCD lunch MCD. xD Ain't healthy. So this boy little bot around 4-5 years old was sitting beside me. My fren told me he kept staring at me so i turned and yikes he was. I'm like errr....ok?? I dun really knw how to react with kids. My fren asked me 'why u don't like kids' I'm like no..i don't. U see i have a brother..a younger brother. 5 years younger then during his growing up..he has totally lost my passion for kids. The way he demand things and pest me around drives me mad. It's a long story..(i think my cousin should know) Dun get me wrong i love my brother only at certain age...i think maybe this year i start liking him cuz he grown from that bradish attitude and becoming more mature and....really tuff to handle. Really tuff.:/ So yeah i guess i kinda lost my interest in entertaining children. When they stare at me i'll just stare back or smile. I dun knw how to make them smile..-_- but seeing how my fren actually had a french fry eating comp with the kid makes me miss having a much much younger (like 2-3) brother. After that age, he grew to be a pest(My brother)Until her mom gave us the nuggets she bought for her kid but ended giving to her (actually to all of us) but we was so fulled. xD Especially me. o.O i has gastric and i threw up in the toilet cuz my stomach was pushing the urge to vomit into my throat. I dun have anorexia ok. I just feel like throwing up whenever my gastric becomes bad and i dun hve the appetite to eat. So yeah... i been typing alot today..hiazz any way i gtg so i shall see you around. ;)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Take 5

I'm not really sure why i name my title 'Take 5' i think it's because i hear those celeb when they felt pressure on screen, the director will ask them to take five.xD i guess i kinda got dips for that line. Haha. Anyway, i 'm actually NOT suppose to be on9 because my trials are on and i'm just taking a little break. So far my break has gone up more then an hour which is not good. I should be studying...yes..i think i really should..but saying it is much more easier then doing it. >< Anyways, i'm proud to say my fren Joey actually had sum guy wanting to sell her pics. This is such good news. Her drawings had definitely improved from the last time i saw them. It's great really. She can do business if she agree to this. Though i'm really longing to go to Comic Fiesta this year. Think i'll wear my ninjutsu outfit since i dun have time to find a outfit to cosplay as. But unfortunately i dun think i'll be able to make it since my REAL SPM actually starts on that month. Actually it starts on Joey birthday Nov 5th..aha what a birthday present man. XD so i'll be busy and practically pouring my brains out.I miss my frens....everyday i go to skul i look at my frens i felt nothing. I felt i dun belong to that group. At all. I miss my old frens. My frens who calls me and asked how i'm doing...yeah i really do miss them. I'm counting the days when my high school will ends. Then i 'll be 'them' and go back to the place that i left for almost 2 years now. Sum of my frens kena PLKN...thank God i didn't get picked and i really pray for their safety. I heard alot of complains about that program...aha which i dun think it'll be a good idea to mention them here. Sorry. My trials..ahh~ well they are going well so far but i'm afraid for next Tuesday which is my perdagangan subject which i dun hate but i think it hates me. -_- i dun understand why it won't go into my head. I should have entered sub-science! I reggreted it! The principle in my new skul actually came to my class and offered sum students and i was one of them but i turned it down( what was i thinking!!) now i'm stuck to this artsy partsy class and my classmates are like robots. Never participate in class and i'll be the one answering the questions in class like a class nerd. Yeah..not a really good image in class if u knw what i mean. But i get along with sum i guess..they're not that bad...when they are nice. Plus, i think i need to change my background.>< i been stuck with this background for quite sumtime now. I think i'll change after my trials which ends in two weeks time..:3 and i shall breathe..a little. Kays i think i update i shall see u guys when i see u guess. Take care and God bless~ :3