Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy 17th Birthday to mee~~

Haha! Yeah i'm 17~~ woot! This year was the best birthday among all my birthdays!:) Why?? Because my parents didn't argue today. So i guess this is also consider the best birthday present~! ;) I mean my parents normally argue whenever we go out together as a went IOI actually we went to this new place called Parimidim and it was HUGE~! o.O But still renovating...and inside was all clothes shop nothing much and no FAST FOOD restaurants(yet) and i wanted pizza so we decided to go Ioi i took sum pics but i'll only post them in FB. And and i GOT A NEW PHONE~!! Woot I'm so happy..i mean finally. I been praying for a new phone and i guess God decided to give it to me on the right time and man it was. Haha i'm enjoying my new phone and well i enjoyed my birthday and yups i shall post soon. :)