Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ah..finally the WEEKENDS!!! Wahoo! I bet u kids are tossing papers and underwears in the air.:) Hehe! Urgh! But the worst thing could happen during weekends is HOMEWORK!!"== Blast these teachers! What part of weekends do they not understand? So sad.*sigh* Anyway,Seafield goss is in the house!Lol. Ok as u can see me and joee has been digging for juicy goss and here's an interview with the Phantom:

Me: " Hey there Mr.Phantom ..tell us how does it feel to be The Phantom Of Opera Ghost?,the world wants to knw."

Phantom: "Ahh..what a likely question. I LOVE IT!! Hehe i get to scare people and cut their guts out."

Joee:" OMG! That's so awesome! Wish i get to that. Lol so anyway.What's the best thing u get to do as a ghost?"

Phantom:" favourite part of being a ghost is that i can be so many places at once so u might want to think twice before u say anything about me."

Me: "Wow! Sounds it true Christine Daee has harry back?"

Phantom: "I dun where to start. U should hve seen her! OMG her back is worst then my grandmas! But i love her. She's mine all mine!!"

Joee: "What a love triangle. So..what's it like to suffercate Raoul?"

Phantom: "It was GREAT! He's such a whimp! i'm planing to take plastic surgery."

Me:"Aha..good idea. Well i think we should end it here thank u."

Joee:"Yes, thanks for this..lovely interview."

Phantom:"Wait! Dun u want to see my finger collections? It has every persons fingers."

Me::Um..maybe next time.."

Joee:" yeah is there anything u want to say to them?"

Phantom:" Yes. I'm the Phantom OF Opera! Never doubt me!"

Me and joee:"Um..ok!"

Well thats it. Very scary interviewing him..his face so creepy!xD Lol I can't believe Roaul has been collecting maddy paddys! So cool! hehe. I tell ain't easy getting rid of him. Too much story he wanna say.Lol Anyway. Me and Joee is still gonna keep digging for stuffs.xDNow for this week updates. Aha..i fell down in skul."== so clumsy! Now my leg got bruce! So sad wei! *sigh* guess this whatcha get for not looking where u going.;)Hehe..let's see..nothing else happen so i leave it here for now.See yea!xDD

Friday, January 29, 2010

JESUS!! I Offer MY Life to You!!

Ok.Today i wanna share with you all my experience with Jesus,The LORD.Ever since i was small till now i never wish to become other religions like buddha,islam,hindu or any of those stuffs. I'm just happy to be a Catholic Christian. The Lord is always with me. Sometimes when i pray for sumthing like good results on exams,a new com, a good day it really happens. Sometimes i'm really greatful for what HE hve done for me.:) Sometimes it doesn't work..i'm not sure why but what i learn in Sunday School u can't pray for unessasry stuff like " Oh Lord please let me win the lottery". No! It's not praying just because you want it,it's because you needed it like "Jesus please hope i got good results for exams or please healed my mom's sore throat". Stuff like this are nessasry not just simply pray and hoping it works. U got to pray in the right way as well. Get it? If u dun i don't blame yea cuz i'm not so sure if what i'm saying make sense. When i was small during one Christmas i wrap a gift for Him. I put it under the Christmas Tree hoping He'll recieve it.The next morning i woke was still there. I was very dissapointed. I wanted the Lord to know how much i'm grateful to Him. And i stil am.:)I'll never change my religion to any others cuz i grew up as a catholic,i'll live as a catholic. Whoever insults The Lord will get it from me! He's like a dad to me. Always watching for me and there for me in good and bad times.:') My dad too but Jesus is ALWAYS there as in even if my dad can't be with me in skul or at the mall but Jesus is. One time i went to church sad and soon as i hear the Lord songs i was fill with happiness.:) I dun knw how it happen but my sadness was gone. I reliaze that He can cure me at any bad emotions.:) CDM(Church of devine mercy) is one of the best Church i ever been.:) the songs are great,the priest is good and the way they teach us about Him is amazing.:) It is NEVER boring.xD *sigh* i'm really desprate to see HIM in person. Aha...i know this might sound boring to you but i just want to share all these story about what i been through with the Lord. Last time i push the Lord a side cuz of studying,skul and exams. I really didn't hve time to pray or think about The Lord.But slowly i know that i hve to stop what i'm doing. Forgetting Him means forgeting who u are. He made me reliaze so many things and i'm proud of it. This might sound naif but i guess thats' what i knw and there are more stories to tell but maybe next time.;)

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Aha...this week not so good. Got stomach pain for 3 days.=( Oh yeah! We got PMD (Program Maju Diri). XD It was fun!!! Hehe..CHICKEN DANCE was funny and intresting.:)I miss PMD!! i wanna hve PMD everyday!!!*sigh* oh well. Yesterday went to summit and it sucks!! I went to get sumthing but didn't manage to find the right thing. Oooo! I watch the Spy Next Door. Abit same like one show i forgot.xD Billy Ray Cyrus act!!! COOL! Jackie CHAN!xD But yesterday was ok but i didn't go for merentas desa..Darn!! Should hve gone!!Hm...wonder who got num 1 since FAZRIYAN not here must be Piriyanka.xD Argh!! I dun knw what happen to me!! I got no nice or funny story to tell!!! So sad! *Gasp* i'm loosing my touch! XD Lol. Must keep up with the others!
Hehe...maybe cuz nothing really happen in morning section..BM teacher really gave us a hard time. sum didn't do her work so got kena marah like what! We thought she ask to do sinopsis for every chapter but instead she oni want chp 1-5."== So me and joee spend the rest of the five days doing it.xD What a waste but it's worthy.Lol Anyways...i SERIOUSLY got nothing intresting to tell..oh well not much time anyway.xD

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Until we meet again

Ahhhhh...the second week of skul is over now we go to the third week.*sigh* i miss hols. So sedih.Anyway...this week wasn't so bad apart from the tons of homework!:'( Hm...morning section rocks!Well,not really.xD Oh! My cousin left already.:( She went back to Australia.I'm gonna miss her..ALOT! The time she was here we had loads of fun doing shopping,drawing and well pretty much shopping. I'm not sure if i can see her until 4 years. So long!!"== i feel like crying. Oh yeah Ninjitsu is getting lame adi. I think i'll quit this year if it's getting boring and boring. Plus,it isn't fun without Sing joo there. The people there are ok except they talk madrin or just hang out and i'll stand like an idoit watching them..well at least i got Jac but she's in the Juniors and i'm in Seniors. Damn it!"== This isn't fair. I miss afternoon section got ICTl but form3 dun.:( Can't go on9.So sad..hehe..enough with the sad stuff..tomorrow got skul! NOOOO!! I miss the weekends.xD I hope 2010 is gonna be the best ever.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

WOW!! 5 star hotel rocks!!

Sunway Piramid hotel was soooo cool!! Hehe..wish to stay there again. Yestrday i went was fun but today morning i woke up with sore arms.:( That dufus from Ninjitsu crunch my arms like lemons!!"== So aiya one this people. Then around 1..i went sunway with my cousin to hang out with her friends and it was awesome!:) I went to asia avenue and bought alot of anime stuffs!1hehe they even had anime wraping paper. sO cool! We shop till 6 sumthing.:) We to a place called Jr sumthing. The hotel was cool!:) But now i got the flu and sore throat and no it's not H1N1. Anyway homework to do. So sad.:(

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tomorrow school!!!NO!!!!:(

NOOOOOOOOOOO!! I think it's time to hide under ur bed or get a ticket to a place where no school exist!!='( The most scary year of my life!PMR!!!!! It's a's gonna be study,tution,books and books.*sigh* No more fooling around. No com and no more fun stuff. Sedih!! Might not be able to update blog every week..>:( 2010 is not gonna be much fun for me or any other form3 students. But no worries..i'm gonna do my best..just hope i pass my PMR...

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Goodbye 2009 Hello 2010!!! Hehe althought i'm gonna miss 2009...lots of memories and good things happen.Oh well,two 3 more days skul reopen! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I feel happy and sad the same time.Hm..urgh! i got my new duty place..not so excieting but i guess it's better then the gate..and i'm not together with Jia Ching!! Wahoo! no more Mr.Irratating!!xD Anyway..i bought this cool T-shirt!It says"i Love Japanesse Food" and got cute japanesse food that look like porings.:) So cool!:)'s see..ooooo I also bought a book called Skuldeggury Pleasant!! YAY! But i need to get the 4th and 2nd.:) Argh! Not sure what else to i only got afew more mins before my bro turn..Dang! Can't find the boys over flower song that i like. Man! Bye!=)