Sunday, January 24, 2010


Aha...this week not so good. Got stomach pain for 3 days.=( Oh yeah! We got PMD (Program Maju Diri). XD It was fun!!! Hehe..CHICKEN DANCE was funny and intresting.:)I miss PMD!! i wanna hve PMD everyday!!!*sigh* oh well. Yesterday went to summit and it sucks!! I went to get sumthing but didn't manage to find the right thing. Oooo! I watch the Spy Next Door. Abit same like one show i forgot.xD Billy Ray Cyrus act!!! COOL! Jackie CHAN!xD But yesterday was ok but i didn't go for merentas desa..Darn!! Should hve gone!!Hm...wonder who got num 1 since FAZRIYAN not here must be Piriyanka.xD Argh!! I dun knw what happen to me!! I got no nice or funny story to tell!!! So sad! *Gasp* i'm loosing my touch! XD Lol. Must keep up with the others!
Hehe...maybe cuz nothing really happen in morning section..BM teacher really gave us a hard time. sum didn't do her work so got kena marah like what! We thought she ask to do sinopsis for every chapter but instead she oni want chp 1-5."== So me and joee spend the rest of the five days doing it.xD What a waste but it's worthy.Lol Anyways...i SERIOUSLY got nothing intresting to tell..oh well not much time anyway.xD