Sunday, January 17, 2010

Until we meet again

Ahhhhh...the second week of skul is over now we go to the third week.*sigh* i miss hols. So sedih.Anyway...this week wasn't so bad apart from the tons of homework!:'( Hm...morning section rocks!Well,not really.xD Oh! My cousin left already.:( She went back to Australia.I'm gonna miss her..ALOT! The time she was here we had loads of fun doing shopping,drawing and well pretty much shopping. I'm not sure if i can see her until 4 years. So long!!"== i feel like crying. Oh yeah Ninjitsu is getting lame adi. I think i'll quit this year if it's getting boring and boring. Plus,it isn't fun without Sing joo there. The people there are ok except they talk madrin or just hang out and i'll stand like an idoit watching them..well at least i got Jac but she's in the Juniors and i'm in Seniors. Damn it!"== This isn't fair. I miss afternoon section got ICTl but form3 dun.:( Can't go on9.So sad..hehe..enough with the sad stuff..tomorrow got skul! NOOOO!! I miss the weekends.xD I hope 2010 is gonna be the best ever.