Friday, January 29, 2010

JESUS!! I Offer MY Life to You!!

Ok.Today i wanna share with you all my experience with Jesus,The LORD.Ever since i was small till now i never wish to become other religions like buddha,islam,hindu or any of those stuffs. I'm just happy to be a Catholic Christian. The Lord is always with me. Sometimes when i pray for sumthing like good results on exams,a new com, a good day it really happens. Sometimes i'm really greatful for what HE hve done for me.:) Sometimes it doesn't work..i'm not sure why but what i learn in Sunday School u can't pray for unessasry stuff like " Oh Lord please let me win the lottery". No! It's not praying just because you want it,it's because you needed it like "Jesus please hope i got good results for exams or please healed my mom's sore throat". Stuff like this are nessasry not just simply pray and hoping it works. U got to pray in the right way as well. Get it? If u dun i don't blame yea cuz i'm not so sure if what i'm saying make sense. When i was small during one Christmas i wrap a gift for Him. I put it under the Christmas Tree hoping He'll recieve it.The next morning i woke was still there. I was very dissapointed. I wanted the Lord to know how much i'm grateful to Him. And i stil am.:)I'll never change my religion to any others cuz i grew up as a catholic,i'll live as a catholic. Whoever insults The Lord will get it from me! He's like a dad to me. Always watching for me and there for me in good and bad times.:') My dad too but Jesus is ALWAYS there as in even if my dad can't be with me in skul or at the mall but Jesus is. One time i went to church sad and soon as i hear the Lord songs i was fill with happiness.:) I dun knw how it happen but my sadness was gone. I reliaze that He can cure me at any bad emotions.:) CDM(Church of devine mercy) is one of the best Church i ever been.:) the songs are great,the priest is good and the way they teach us about Him is amazing.:) It is NEVER boring.xD *sigh* i'm really desprate to see HIM in person. Aha...i know this might sound boring to you but i just want to share all these story about what i been through with the Lord. Last time i push the Lord a side cuz of studying,skul and exams. I really didn't hve time to pray or think about The Lord.But slowly i know that i hve to stop what i'm doing. Forgetting Him means forgeting who u are. He made me reliaze so many things and i'm proud of it. This might sound naif but i guess thats' what i knw and there are more stories to tell but maybe next time.;)