Saturday, September 25, 2010

I am not alone.:) focus PMR is finally over..but that doesn't mean i can relax. My teacher told me my skul is the ONLY skul doing this focus pmr. Wow..xD. Anyway, i did it and i got quite a good results.:) But my sej menurun.:( I hve to work extra,extra hard if i want it to go up again.*sigh* U knw..during the hols i was reparing for the focus and they split two jaduals. One is cemerlang and the other is terbilang. I thought i went to the terbilang. So i was like preparing for it but when skul re-open i was in the cemerlang! ther's sc2 and bm on that day. I did bm which is not exactly what i studied for. Cuz i didn't knw i was in cemerlang so i studied sc instead.xD Thank God i pass. Speaking of God, i went to church. I went for the PMR blessing. As i walk in..i quikly ran to the toilet. Cuz, in the car i drank to much water. So anyway, i sat alone.:( No one beside me i was all alone. Then i decided to pray..u knw when u come to church u hve to say at least an opening pray. So i pray.. i can't recall how i say it but it's roughly like this " Lord, please hope other people will sit beside me, or someone i knw. I feel so lonely" it's kinda embarassing.xD Then..after a few fren Su Yean came!*hooray* she sat beside.:) Actually her Mom(O.O) sat beside me. Well, at least i'm not alone.xD My pray works! See? If u pray and believe in God..he'll make it come true. All the way through the mass i notice this chinese dude staring at me. == i feel so irratated. I mean i think anyone would. I feel like giving him a black eye!>:( i think his yonger then me cuz..u knw..his short.xD *Sigh* i got my PMR jadual..and it's scary!O.o it's like until 4pm!:O so long!">< hm.....tomorrow i wanted to skip comfirmation best if i go..even if i'll be alone..again. Oh nvm then. I'll see u in um..well after my PMR exam is over. Bye!:)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Here it comes.

Yo! What's up?:) Okey i finally change my blog title as u can see.:) Oh and update my mixpod.xD Anyway,the reason i chose this song 'Never say Never' by Justin bieber(yucks) feat Jaden smith cuz these title is very big. Get it? I mean i'm saying that i will never say i'll give up. Life will always knock u down but if u hve the strenght to get up again and face it that is a very good thing.:) I feel courage and confident with song.:) Take PMR for example, you can call it a battle or a mission that i have to take. It's not gonna be easy..and i'm pratically feeling scared. I mean who wouldnt? Idiots.xD So..yeah..his is my last post until PMR is over cuz u knw..i need to concertrate and stuff.O.O So till next time. Wish me luck! GAMBATE!=)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Finally 15

Hooray!I'm finally 15.:) When woke up this morning..i felt i'm getting bigger or sumthing like's the feeling of olderly.xD Strange though. But i'm glad i'm fifthteen. Wow..time does more forthteen.O.O I'm not gonna discuss what i did on my b'day cuz...something happen which is private.Aha..anyway,i went for a walk with Shaky hearing my MP3..first was Pachebell then You are my all in all. I realise this song gives me strenght..courage becoming stronger. As i sat on the metal my mind was just God testing me? Is he doing it on purpose to make me feel that way? I figure..that's impossible. Maybe it's just the fact..then i starting questioning..y did it happen if God was the one who is incharge of everything? I think that's just crazy. I knw,it's not right to question God..but it couldn't be help. I felt depressed and sad. These feelings was mixing around me. I'm not going to say why i'm saying this but..this is all in my head now.My world. My own fantasy. Everything i do or imagine is in my head. Sometimes i like to be in my own world where there's no stress. Everything is happy. Lol..i'm not drug ok? xD But..*sigh* i'm working hard. I need to clear my mind. I need to focus on my PMR. Okey..*doing inner peace* hm..nothing? oh well...stress is not the oni problem i hve to stay away from geting distracted..Urgh! Mafan wei!"== The tempting!!:) But i I can do it! GAMBATE!=)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yeah man! I'm back!=)

Okey! There's been alot and i mean ALOT of things happened or about to happen which i didn't manage to post. But first things first. The MJ dinner! Oh my gosh! it is soo cool!He looks just like MJ! You could say he's the 'Malaysian MJ'.xD Anyway,oh boy! PMR is very,very,very NEAR! ARGH!!!!Stres.:( I sort of feel guilty going on9 when i should be studying but...i haven't on9 for almost 5^^ Wow..i'm basically freaking out now.O.O i dunno what to do.:( I just hve my com fixed and there's soo much of things i want to do but..Urgh! I knw i should be studying.*sighs* Well...oh yeah! There's one time when me,my bro and mum went to Midvally and i was standing next to a clothes shop when Justin Bieber song came out 'Somebody to love' and a couple of girls next to me scream at my ear!"== They were like" OMG It's Justin bieber! Justin Bieber!" then they started gossping about him n started screaming again. Wow! A little too much fantasy there.xD Lol. Girls these days.This is just crazy..during the hols i check out my new skul and..*sigh* It's so..PINK!"== It's called SMK Pusat Bandar Puchong.Btw! I change my blog skin!:) Nice rite? But it's oni temp cuz after PMR i'll change it.:)Aha well...i'll stop chatting now.:)

Yay yay! I