Thursday, September 16, 2010

Finally 15

Hooray!I'm finally 15.:) When woke up this morning..i felt i'm getting bigger or sumthing like's the feeling of olderly.xD Strange though. But i'm glad i'm fifthteen. Wow..time does more forthteen.O.O I'm not gonna discuss what i did on my b'day cuz...something happen which is private.Aha..anyway,i went for a walk with Shaky hearing my MP3..first was Pachebell then You are my all in all. I realise this song gives me strenght..courage becoming stronger. As i sat on the metal my mind was just God testing me? Is he doing it on purpose to make me feel that way? I figure..that's impossible. Maybe it's just the fact..then i starting questioning..y did it happen if God was the one who is incharge of everything? I think that's just crazy. I knw,it's not right to question God..but it couldn't be help. I felt depressed and sad. These feelings was mixing around me. I'm not going to say why i'm saying this but..this is all in my head now.My world. My own fantasy. Everything i do or imagine is in my head. Sometimes i like to be in my own world where there's no stress. Everything is happy. Lol..i'm not drug ok? xD But..*sigh* i'm working hard. I need to clear my mind. I need to focus on my PMR. Okey..*doing inner peace* hm..nothing? oh well...stress is not the oni problem i hve to stay away from geting distracted..Urgh! Mafan wei!"== The tempting!!:) But i I can do it! GAMBATE!=)