Friday, April 30, 2010


Hey there!! Finally i pass up my projects and now i can relax alittle.:) But..there's still sivik and seni to do.:( These projects...they just keep on comin!!O.o Aha..a part from the projects and all..i had a great week.:) So let's see...i'm gonna totally re-decorate my blog! Need to update the songs, layouts and hm..put more stuff into it i guess. Hm...i need to be more..what's that word..nvm. So..i got to think creative..try to re-do it to make it more intresting then others(not that m making better then others) While i'm updating my blog i'm also searching nice songs and layouts for my blog. Ok guys! if u all are anime freaks like i m n want anime layouts and ccan't find them u should totally take a look at it's seriously off the hook! So many pics till i can't decide.:):) Hehe...oh yeah! My days with my PST is the WORST nightmare that could ever happen! I'm not insulting anyone in my PST just so we're's just that..i REALLY want to get out from there! I been there since Jan! All my frens got cool PST and i'm stuck with the old same one."== *sigh* this isn't fair! But..i just got to tahan till Julai..then it's SO long suckers!! Chehlah jk oni.:) I think i'll update more tomorrow.