Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Happy Mum's day mummy!! Hehe..todays a VERY special and important day for all mummies.:) I'm posting now cux later maybe i not free.Hm..not sure what to say though. My bro bought her 5 roses!! Woah KIND!!xDi bought this two little cups saying 'I love u mom' aha..didn't really hve time to go out and buy sumthing better. But at least she likes it. Later we're going to Bandar Utama! Wahoo!I can buy my maid sama CD there. Hehehe..benn waiting Sooo long. I gotta type fast so if i type wrongly my mistake cuz my com can suddenly shut down anytime.">< So..make sure to give ur mum a BIG HUG and kisses. That will make their day greater.:)