Sunday, December 27, 2009

The day has finally come

Oh yeah! the day has finally come.:) My cousin's here at last.xD COOL! She arrive at Friday.But today..i'm not feeling well..*sigh* I think its because of yesterday..the turkey sucks!! I shouldn't ate it.== Sedih! Oh well, now i keep going to the toilet!Hm..what else to say? let's see..I'm not sure if i;ll be updating for a while...since my cousin came we got lots to do and hang out.:) I dun really feel well so i'll end here.:)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Wedding.xD

Just came back from the awesome!:) Congrates to Eric(kok ping) and Wai mun.:):) So happy.:') full!!! Ate to much. Shoot! Should hve go for the afternoon lunch..can get ang pau.!! Aww man! Wasted my chance.xD Urgh! My bro was so annoying! He keeps poking the fried eye...Then he started poking me with a chopstick!!.:( So irratating.But everthing else was ok. The bride and the groom were going around tables saying"Yam Sing!" hehe...i keep drinking my orange juice too much till 1 go toilet 12 times!xD I learn a very good leason from all this..NEVER DRINK TOO MUCH!! I should brought my camera!!'== man! Tomorrow my aunt and uncle taking us to watch sum sort of show in Sunway Lagoon i think..i hope my mom let..i bet it's gonna be AWESOME!!Ooooo! i forgot to tell yea..JOEE's BACK!!Wahoo! i can't wait till skul starts so we could chat and chat and chat!:) Quite boring at the one to talk to except my annoying bro!== Hm..what else happen..OH YEA! There's this dude blocking the screen!! Urgh i feel like throwing my chopstick at his head! There's a video and slide show about the bride and groom..His head was blocking! BIG HEAD!!Not sure why tonite i feel like typing alot..aha..but the problem is..not sure what to type.hahaha...let's see..5 more days and my cousin is here!! YAY!! It's gonna be a blast. Argh! 11.30pm! Need to sleep.Oh yea! almost forgot! In the slide show i saw the mens wearing underwear outside their pants!! xD Lol. It's so funny!!Hahaha,well,see yea!

Friday, December 18, 2009

BLEACH!! Animax hottest show!xD

This drama rocks!:):)

Yo! Hehe..tomorrow got another wedding to attend to.:) My dad cousin.COOL!hehe..better then last weeks one.xD Anyway..COMIC FIEASTA!!WAHOO!Wait..TOMORROW?! Argh! I can't go..:'( 19&20. Sunway Piramid.But the other one is better 24-27 Dec.Got stuff that cannot befound in stores.:) Cool,rite?? So go!:) So excieting..hehehe..i'm going with my cousin.If that's possible.Aha..Chibi Vampire ROCKS!xD This week on Mon and Wed..went to school for prefect duty.*sigh* help to arrange chairs and tables. Darn that head prefect..ruining the hols!Hm..when my cousin's gonna be a pretty busy season..Argh! Next next week CHRISTMAS!!! Wahooo! So fast.:):) Can't wait..Ooops gtg..i'll post about the wedding.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Argh! Head hurts!!:( The pain!!:(@.@ Anyway..This week wasn't bad.xD Shopping for Christmas..well not yet..but can't wait!xDShopping for Christmas is awesome!:) Today went to IOI and watch sum dancers singing Christmas songs.^^ I love Christmas songs! Full of Christmas spirit.:)Hm...feeling like cheese..:)CHICKEN RICE!! My fav!Long time never shout that.:)Good times..good times.Wahoo!Change blog skin! This one rocks!Go green!! Heal the world! Well,that's what jac would year! Morning section! Noo!Wake up early. *Sigh* Goodbye afternoon section!Nooo!Lol too much drama..argh! head hurts again!dun wanna type adi.bye!xD

Saturday, December 5, 2009


*Blink* Blur..not sure what to write man.Well,i can talk about lunch! I went to my uncle friend house for lunch.^^But the place is pretty boring ..nothing fun to do..and the food was ok..except for the chicken though.It tastes so hard and lumpy...i might aswell not say anymore.xD anyway,tomorrow going to a wedding.'== My dad superviser's wedding.:) Hope the food's great.:):) Yum! todays subject is pretty boring..sorryla.But next week might be better.:)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Y-eah!! Shaky came back!! She's been missing for 3days!! Wahoo!It calls for a celebration!!:)*Glowing* Lol got carried away.:)Let's see..what to say??Hm..Chicken rice!! Long time i didn't say it! feels good!xDAha..i heard got the new twlight..looks intresting but nah!! I hate that show! Wonder why people think that Taylor Lautner so hot(NOT):) My buddy so crazy about him till all her conversations about him. Lame,right? Anyway..*do the happy dance* Arghh! Got nothing to write but feel like writing.I got issues,i know. Hehe..oh yeah! My bro says'HI' lolz..weird. Oops gotta go..later people!:)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A sad day...

I can't beliave Shaky's gone.:( Someone must did sumthing or chase her away and i have a darn good feeling it was the Malays!! I'm not being mean to their culture it's just that they hate Shaky and i went to find her today..they were all staring and laughing at me.I'm not sure why but i feel it's sumthing to do with Shaky.:(*sigh* i wonder where or what happen to her.If they really have sumthing to do with her..i'm seriously gonna..*pause* better not type that out..>:( pray that some how she'll come back.:(

Monday, November 23, 2009

A day to remember!!=)

So tired!! Today me and Sabrina hang out at Summit!It was son fun! We were there for 7 hours.:) First time i spend so long in a mall for 7 hours! We bought a few stuff well actually i did cuz Sab doesn't feel like shoping except staying at the book store reading Twilight magazines. Wow! it's so long, she and i have diffrent intrest.She's more into guys and i'm more in to games like PS2 or games station. Come to think of it..we both change alot. But we could still get along. We made a keychain that she and i will keep as our friendship thingy..or um..i forgot what it's called.xD I just hope she doesn't change to much until she bacome to girly which gonna be hard for me to handle since i dun really like girly stuff.:( *sigh* i guess thats faith. Lol my legs are killing me!! It hurts!!:( Oh yeah i even saw afew classmates and schoolmates.:) COOL! Aha..gotta go so until next time.:)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Weekly updates.:)

*sigh* this week is so boring! Nothing to do except rot.xD My aunt and uncle are so lucky they get to go to India! I hope they bring back some cool stuffs!:):)Anyway,Oh yeah! Skul haven't give year book yet! Awww! I'm really looking forward to see it.:)Lol.Hey! Did you watch This is it yet?? Its pretty awesome!I know i keep saying that but it's cool!Let's see..35 more days till my causin's coming! i got to wait a little longer.I bet you're wondering why i keep talking about my causin visiting or not.You see,she and i are pretty close and we never separate before so now she's in Australia and i'm here so pretty big of a deal if she visit at least i get to see her abit.:)Aha..enough with this lame talk. SMK Seafield gossip is still onBut so far not enough good ones so i can't type them outBut don't worry there will be as soon as i get some juicy ones.XD I screamI You scream! We all scream for ICE-CREAM!!Lol nothing better to type.:)Hey Joee! I still waiting for that tree.*Gasp* my very own tree!:D.Wow,too much passion.:)Well,that's all for today.I know it's abit short but atleast i write sumthing.Lol.BYE!xD

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Shaker is sooo cute!! If your wondering who shaker is, it's actually a puppy me and my bro found.:):) My bro decide to call her shaker cuz she shakes alot.Lol.I just wish i could keep her,but my mom desagree.:'( If you see her you guys will like her too. She treat us like family and so did we.:) She loves running. I never see a dog ran so fast like she do.I know you might find it boring reading this but i'm actually writing this as memory incase Shaker's gone or been taken away.I manage took her picture but i can't post on the com:( Her fur is so smooth and she's brown in colour. i think someone gave her a bath cuz when we played with her she smells like soap.:) Oh yeah! On the afternoon,we were feeding her than suddenly a cat sprang at her! Wow you should the cat! It's like a tiger! Clawing Shaker.:( Stupid cat!!>:( I'll kick it if i hve too..not that i did just wishing.:) Lol well,gotta go now my bro wanna use com.xD

Friday, November 13, 2009


Let's see...what shall i post about this week?? Well,holiday is almost here and this week was abit boring cuz i didn't get to do anything exceiting.:( I bet Joee is enjoying herself at Canada.:):) I hope you bring me back a tree Jo!!Lol.xD Anyway,next year...PMR!! Arghhhhhh!!*Gasp* It's gonna be the most hardworking year ever!!:( No time for on9 and all the fun stuff!:'( But no one can stop me from going on9!! It's destiny!!:):o Oh yeah! i went to skul on Wed and it was prettyboring without jokes to crack on. I just hope we'll still be in the same class and the rest of 2 Jujur..It'll be ashame if some of us split up.:(Plus,too bad we didn't make a blog about our that will be awesome!!Man! Should hve thought of it earlier!!>:( 6 more weeks till my cousin comes!! So long!! Can't wait!:) We can spend a little time together and do alittle shopping(anime shopping) Lol. Aiya! Nothing else to write about so maybe tomorrow i'll write more dependsa if my com allow! I think my new CPU is alive! Sometimes it'll work depends on its mood..scary!:)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Random title

Finally final exams are over!!:) I just hope i get to stay in the same class with all my friends in 2jujur next year.:( It really stinks if we all split!Anyway, MJ!!! Y-eah!!xD I just watch the movie last Sat and it's AWESOME!! I can't get the songs out of my head!!:):) Too bad i didn't see all..i thought after man in the mirror it's finish but i didn't know got credit!!:( So sedih!! If it wasn't for my uncle and his stomach pain we would have stay alittle longer! Man! What a waste of tickets. The movie was so nice till it make sum people cried.:'( Wish i could watch it again!Oh yeah! So good Joee going to Canada!! No fair!! So lucky!:)Let's see...what else to post,ah?? Wait..i can't wait for my cuz in Australia come to visit!! It's gonna be so exceiting!!Lol.xD wow! So fast 2009 is gonna end! I'm gonna miss 2009.What crap am i talking about it's not even end of the year yet!Lol. I feel like a granpa going back to the past!LOL!:):)Post more sum other time..abit busy.:)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tagged by LynnetxD

To all music addicts, using only song titles from ONE ARTIST (in my case ONE BAND), cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to some people you like and include me [omg...pls do NOT include me]. Try not to repeat a song title.
Pick your artist
:Michael Jackson
Describe yourself
:Year 3000
How do you feel about yourself:
Happy to be alive
Your favourite form of transportation
: Life is A Highway.
Your favourite colour is
: Ocean blue
Favourite time of day
: 10am
If your life were a TV show, what would it be called
: Because I'm Stupid
What's life to you
:I Am What I Am.
What is the best advice you have to give
: Never give up hope.:)
If you could change your name, what would it be
: Hm..not sure, probably something stupid!xD
Your favourite food is
: CHICKEN!!!-)
Thought for the day
: Will i past my final exam
How would you like to die
: 3000 swords thrown at me!(just kidding)
Your soul's present condition
: Shipwreck.
The faults you can bear
: It Ends Tonight
Your motto
:Hakuna Matata

Friday, October 16, 2009


Happy Deepavali to all my friends who are celebrating!!:):) You guys deserve a good celebration! Anyway,aiyo must start working hard for exams ! So sedih!:'( Man!! Forget everything i wanted to type on my blog!:( I'm loosing my memory! *Gasp* i'm forgetting who i am!! Arghhh!! This is serious!:):) Oh well,Oh yeah! I hope Jac manage to buy the MJ this is it tickets in time! I really wanna watch! Must be intresting.:) This week nothing intresthing to say unless i create sumthing like a giant ant ate my skul... COOL!.xD

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN!! Must watch!!!xD

Animax hottest anime for 2009!! Got somemore too!xD

These shows will make you laugh your guts out!!!xD

I LOVE putting anime pics in my blog!! Makes me feel hyper and happy!!xD I know..pretty lame but post more soon..before i end this..there's a comic feasta coming you anime freaks out there better be ready!:):)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hooray!! Welcome back COM!!!xD

Yes My Cpu is fixed!!Plus, i got a new com.:) Cool! My dream finally come true!! I don't beliave it! It's like a dream!! Well,post more later.Bye!xD

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sorry guys..can't update for a while cuz com spoilt..i'm using my aunts laptop to update,i'll beg my parents to fix the com,k?:)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hmm...urgh! I don't understand! Yesterday i had loads of idea what to type on the blog now my brain went blank!Ok..let's se..this hols weren't so bad..:) Get to do things i want to do.:):) Um..well i went shopping with my parents and bought a gift for Joee! Hey! In case you all didn't know,her birthday is on November 5..i knw abit early for presents but it's incase i did'nt hve a chance to go out again. But what i really want to buy her is actually sumthing to do with starwars or anime but no time so i just grab sumthing that looks nice and hope she likes it. Sorry Joee if you read this.:(!! I can't beliave that Naruto Shippuden was so awesome!!! i love it! Man! If only it shows that will be great!^^*sigh* got nothing to do all day except watch Tv,go on9,draw anime and..well sum boring sruff. Wish could hang out with my buddies.:'( Oh yeah! i bet you saw Benji pic on my blog..well to ber honest it's not's a pic that looks like benji..i did'nt took benji pic before i had to give away..and i really love him so much so i put this pic to let me think about him.:) Sorry, if you think it's my rabbit. I really miss him!!! His really smart he can even drink a straw out of a juice! my dad thought him dad like he did with his squirral.xD I hope one day i can visit him.:') *Scratch head* Argh! What esle to write,ah?? Oh time i'll write it on a list and type it on me blog. Bye!xD

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Congratulations to Justin& Jennifer!:)

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you..although i don't even know them but yesterday their wedding was awesome!!! So touching with all the love songs(eww)just kidding and speeches.:') Man should hve brought my camera!! Arghhh! Wasted!*sigh* what a dope i hve been.:( Oooo! the food was nice.xD Wow i didn't know the husband was a cool!!! Thats nice..i think.Lol.Anyway..-_- i'm not sure what to write now.. but maybe i'll post more on Friday. Aha..gtg.xD

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Belated birhtday to me& What a week!:)

Hooray!! i'm finaly 14!!! Well it wasnt't presents and i even got splash!xD it was fun except the part i got EXAM on that day!!! So sad! But other than that i'm happy cuz my friends wishes me on facebook and in person. That actually matter to me the most..they remember. Anyway*sigh* got my results back! Not so good! Wow! the teachers mark so fast! They shouldn't give back the results! Destroy some people's mood!:-/ Aiyo! That means must work hard for finals! You know what they is the key to sucsess.^~^ Noooo! lazy to work hard! but no choice..well at least the weekends going to be good.:) But pretty busy cuz got so many dinner to go to.:) Today just went to salak south garden for a friends dad friend house actually. grandma was soo happy to see all her old friends again! Good on you popo!xD I bet they think about the good times they had..i love my dad's was really to you say..nice to hear and feeling all pasionate about it. He and my uncle are quite well known ther cuz my grandma's friends are all there.
Oh yeah! Got 1 more week holiday! Y-eah! Let's see..what to do..*thinking* argh got nothing but i think it's enough to rest after exam.:) more tomorrowlah feeling tired.:) Bye!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Arghhh Stress!!

STRESS!!!! So much to do so little time! Exam next week! Darn it! Then must study the names of all the PIBG names,penolong kanan and pengetua names for the interview with the morning section prefect.:( They're so scary!! Wow! i can't beliave next year must be soo serious and strict! No fun!:(:( But i'm not letting those losers destroy my fun!>:) Hehe..xD. Anyway O.o i can't beliave sum ninjitsu white belts already went to green! No fair! i train so hard but sensei always see the newbies only! Me& Sing Joo still white belt! I HATE it!:-/ If next year i still white belt i'm quiting! I won't hate ninjitsu but SENSEI!!*Sigh* i love ninjitsu so much and i can't get green belt!I even wasted my money on ninjitsu items!:( Ninjitsu has bee my passion for a very long time and it'll always will be.:) Alright! Enought with this passion stuff! This week was my bro birhtday! Gave him 5 bucks! Had cake too!:) 2 down 1 more to go.xD Urgh! Gotta so call bro turns! Man always like this!:(

Friday, September 4, 2009

Finally can breathe alittle...:)

O.O finally found the material to make the darn skirt.:) Anyway...this week couldn't concentrate cuz still on holiday mood.:( Why must time fly so fast???Hmm...what to say? Um..oh yeah!!! Seafield gossip is back! Wahoo! Okey todays gossip that i and joe3 recieve...a letter from chicken rice: Pn.Siew is actually 400 years old!!! :O *Gasp* and she can still walk?? Wow..someone must be having their milk.xD Next is Doughnut: Did you know that SMK Seafield skul is made up of ice cream??!!! Arghhhhh! Wait..wahoo we won't go hungry ever again.:) And last but not least..from us!: We hve found out that San Weng Hang is actually Hannah Montana!!!!!Hey Weng Hang! You never told us?? Our class will be famous! Hehe..just kidding. That's all for now folks.:) If you having any juicy gossip please contact us with this number:555-555-5555(not really a number) or find us in SMK Seafield in class 2 Jujur:) Oh hold on..Jac told me MJ has been buried yesterday.:O sad..well i guess it can't be help then..moving on! Ah..just kiddinglah hope he rest in peace.:) Speaking of MJ..i can't beliave my grandma bought me and my bro a MJ t-shirt! It's too Big popo!! Lol i think my dad can wear it.xD Well anyway thanks popo for the early birthday present. Love it. Hey! My bro birthday next week! That little dope turning 9 next week. Aha...gotta go people..see yeah all next week.:)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy Independence Day! & Happy Birthday Popo!!!

Merdeka! Merdeka!! Wahooooo!!:) That means we can do anything seens it says independence! Even go to jail for fun! or drive around like mad people and all kind of fun stuff.:):) Hehe...just kidding well i wish we could.:) I can't beliave i spend my weekends in KKB.:( was boring but the waterfall wasn't so bad.:) Plus, the church was so small!! Everyone keep staring at us like we're alians!! Arghhhhh! Well,at least got free stuff.:) Oh..HOORAY!! Popo's birthday is tomorrow!! Yay! Happy Early Birthday Pops.xD Urgh! The stupid prefect skirt so hard to find!!>:( search everywhere for that thing but still can't find it! Blast that skirt!>:( *sigh* so hard to find..:( Anyway, Aiyo!! Tomorrow got skul!! So sad! Don't feel like going. So many birthday this month! Mine,my bro and popo!! Wow! Means more cake!^^ Yum yum! Aiya! lost what i want to type already...what was it ah? Oh yeah! Finally finish sewing! Yay! I can't beliave after holiday another two weeks got exam!! So many exam! My brain's gonna burst!! Oh well,back to being a nerd!xD gotta go then later!:)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tagged by Jo3e

1. Where did you take your profile pic?- Somewhere off the Internet.
2. What exactly are you wearing right now?- Blue t-shrit and pants.
What is your current problem?- Stuck with the fact that I messed up the Merdeka performance
4. What makes you happy most?- PLAYING COMPUTER!!
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?- man in the mirror by Mj.
6.Any celeb you would marry?- I'll pass...
7. Name some one/persons with the same birthday as you:- Nope.
8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?- When i'm in kindergarden.
9.Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?- Nope..
10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?- Everything except Playhouse Disney or Nickelodeon Junior.
11. Do you speak any other languages than English?- Malay...Maybe a bit of Cantonese.
12. Has anyone you've been really close passed away?- Nope.13 Do you ever watch MTV?-yup.
14. What's something that really annoys you?- People who don't GET A LIFE.--------------------------Chapter 11. Middle name: ?? Stephanie2. Nickname(s):) Chris.3. Current location: 6/3c No:55 Jln subang jaya47610..
4. Eye color: Dark Brown-----------------------------------------------Chapter 21. Do you get along with your parent(s): Depends what mood I'm in.2.Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: Married.------------------------------------------------Chapter 3: Favorites1. Ice Cream: Cookie Dough2. Season: Autumn,Winter,Spring3. Shampoo/conditioner: Pantene4. Favorite Thing: My Computer!!------------------------------------------------Chapter 4:
Do You..1. Dance in the shower? : Nope.Never.
2. Do you write on your hand? : Sometimes..when I'm out of paper...
3. Call people back? : Yeah4. Believe in God? : Yeah!!!!!5. Any bad habits? : Anger management6. Any mental health issues? : Nope------------------------------------------------Chapter 5:
Have You..1. Sprained stuff: Once or twice3. Gotten stitches? : Nope..I think?
4. taken painkillers: Panadol5.
Gone scuba diving or snorkeling: I wish!
6. Thrown up at the dentist: Nope..7. Sworn in front of your parents?: Nope..try to hold my anger...
8. Had detention? : Yup..but not for the reason you think.------------------------------------------------Chapter 6:
Who/What was the last1. Three people who texted you: Jo3e,Sean and Sing joo.2.
Person you called: Mom3.
Person you hugged: Mom4.
Person you tackled?: In the bro.
Person you talked to on MSN?: no Msn..yet6.
Thing you touched? : Computer keyboard7.
Thing you ate? : Fish&chips8.
Thing you drank: Water9.
Thing you said: I'm gonna use the Com
10. Friend you saw ytd : Rachel(Old Friend)

Goodbye Old blog.:'(

Well it's not really a goodbye it's just that something went wrong so no choice but to create a new one.:) *sigh* all those good times and good memories i spend and type on it.*sob*sob* All GONE!
Man! Gotta start all over again!:-/ Anyway,NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Hols are gonna be over!:( Back to skul! Arghhhhhh! Hve to face Pn. Lau again...It's a nightmare! Have you ever got this feeling like when there's holiday you feel like going back to skul but when skul starts again you feel like you want holiday again? If the answer is OH Y-EAH! Than you and me are in the same boat.:) *Gasp* Hols are gonna finish and i haven't even do my sewing yet! Arghhh! better start now!:( Man how i HATE sewing! Stupid project! The mechine always jam,jam,jam!:-/ the worst part of all...if you didn't do it Pn. Yeap is gonna start nagging and nagging till you want to scream"SHUT UP" but if you do that than you're in serious trouble so i might not take the risk.:) Let's look at the bright side of all this...*thinking* nope i got nothing.:( Great i can't beliave i'm going to stay at my uncle house for 2 days 1 night! My parent's said it's gonna be fun but as far as far as i know...his house doesn't even hve a computer! His an old fashion guy but man! No com?*sigh* gotta bro wants to use the com.Post more soon.:)