Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Another problem

Hi guys. Ok just a review..about my last post. i just wanna clear afew things...i said those things cuz i was really in a bad mood and hurt. I mean, can 't blame a girl who's been pesture by frens and family right? We all had our momoents. Right now i just felt like typing this post to get stuff out of my mind. Next week is my church camp. Well not really my church but my aunt and uncle goes there so they just sign me up. xD oh crap scracth that! It's this SUN!!! :O and i hve to start rechecking on the things i packed! ">< Damn~~ but well i'm in holiday mood so..yeah.i'm having the flu and cough. Just right before my camp! How wonderful eh?
i'm kinda worried to go there cuz i dun really know anyone! :( this really scares me. Plus, i felt so regret to go! I'm afraid the people like to judge on appearances. Cuz i'm really humble when i dress. By that i mean i dun dress like those hot clothes and well design clothes like those people i saw while i was in church. Teenage people nowadays go by fashion.'s only 4 days...4............freaking...........d-ays. G-reat~ *worried face* that's alot of days! almost the same as five days of skul! Argh!!!! What m i gonna do?!!!! I need major advise but i dun knw who to go to. Frens? My frens are not help from the time i started at my new skul(i'm reffering to my new frens) family? They wouldn't understand!!!! ARGH! I'm so freaking messed up! :'(

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Enough is enough!

ok today's topics is about acne,frens and family. Y did i suddenly decided to type this post? BECAUSE I AM SICK OF THE WAY PEOPLE ARE TREATING ME! Let's go to the first topic..ance.Wahoo~~ yeah right. Ok i knw having ance is normal out a scale of 10..9 will mostly get it. I think people aroud me doesn't knw what it's like to hve ance. My frens and family. I get really annoyed we they try to give tips or the say"Christine, y is ur face like that?" How insulting right? Anyway, my dad, mum,grandma and even teachers in my skul try to give me advised. Like today i was helping one of my teachers and suddenly she told me she knew this really good doctor that can help me with my skin. I mean...i thought puberty is fine until people starts judging me. It's disgusting! Do they think i enjoyed ance? Do they really think it's so nice to hve ance?! ITS NOT! It's painful and icthy!"== and no matter how u wish it go keep getting worst! Because of this i became anti sosial and loose my confidence. The girls in my skul are all chinese. They hve really good skin, clear and smooth. So they will look at me like i'm sum idiot who suffered from ance. Truth is, having ance is really bad and sad for people like me. Trust me! I KNW what's like ok. it is not entertaining whenever i look at my face in the mirror. So when i'm with people surrounded me i 'll just popped my MP3 on and ignore everyone. I used to be really sociable to people. but now..things change. I knw looks dun matter.But it will really help if EVERYOINE understand that! Next..frens. my frens in school are so suckish! I dun care if they read this post. They knw i'm right. Y? cuz everytime they have a chance..they'll dumped me and go to their frens. And i'll hve to be alone. I recess alone and i'm practically alone. Solo~ lol. So yeah..sometimes i purposely annoyed my frens by saying i missed my old skul and i can see they dun like that. but can u blame me? I feel like i'm in a primary skul. They are not mature at all. They think so childish and sometimes get into my nerves!I can't wait to graduate and get OUT from that f****** skul. Excuse me language..i dun really mean what it means when i type those stars out. Last is my family. Ok maybe i won't type much about it here cuz it's personal. Let's just say....oh great i soon!

Friday, October 28, 2011

ok..i'm back

Wow..i been gone for extreamly long time. But this is gonna be a short post cuz i dun really have time to type much now.Ok.. i can't really recall on what i was planing to say but~~hm...i dun do really well under presure which it sucks. "==Anyway, i'm saort at my frens house so i dun really feel comfortable pouring out my feelings when they are around. I dun like when they watch me while i type something cuz they might start asking so many question..*sigh* so i guess i gtg..need to drop by my other fren house. :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

One of my worst nightmares! T.T

Ok. it's been like almost a week and as you all know that i normally would update my blog once a week but sometimes i get so busy..or maybe lazy. xD Hey that rhymes! :D Anyway, last night was my/one of my WORST nightmare. I dreamt something so scary that i woke up crying. Ok today i'll be posting about that. So when your read this don't laugh ok? Cuz it definately gave me a shock and i was really realive to find it was all a dream. Here goes, last night i dreamt about my grandmother. U see me and my grandma are really close. WE have a really strong relationship between us and if anything happens to her...i dun knw what i'll do. I dreamt...that..she died. It was a REALLY sick dream. In my dream i was walking home and i saw her lying on the road and ambulans came and another lady beside her was also dead. It was really shocking and i was in shock. So i was like "this is a dream! Gotta be a dream" i kept telling myself to wake up wake up but i just won't wake up. So u see sometimes in dreams or when ur dreaming u can feel like it's so real. It's like it's really happening. And that's what i basically i was crying in my sleep. I was like "No! No! Popo( that's what i called her)". And an angel came down and handed me this phone and told me to dial this num. And i did. And it line straight to my grandmother voice. I was like "popo! Don't go! I miss you. I love you popo!' I keep repeating the same thing. And popo told me it was ok. and i said i love you popo. And her voice was so cheerful i kept crying. So in the middle of the night...i woke up and burst into tears! Btw, i'm crying while i'm posting this. I can't remember the rest so i'll just stop her. *blows nose*This all too creppy trying to recall all this shit but's haunt me for a while but hope it'll leave FAST! :'(

Saturday, August 13, 2011

They just don't get it!

Right.First things first. I knw i'm not the only one that does ok. I'm sure all teens do this cuz that's what we do when we're mad we our parents. Today i had an arguement with my dad. He told me to clean my book shelf and i did. U knw what he said? He said oh it doesn't look clean and bla bla bla. WEll u knwwhat? I organize it properly so it will be easier for me to take and put my books back. So i talk back to him. Then said 'why do i always like to talk back whenever this kind of situation'? I kept quite. But in my mind i was thinking..i hve my reasons. U see when i was small, i use to not do house things( kinda normal) but then i began to give house things a try then my parents start scolding for doing it."== Tsk parents. So as life goes on the same thing happen over again. I feel unappreciated. How would u feel? So everythime when my parents telling my off i talk back because i feel hurt! like i said..unappreciated. A word i dun like at ALL! i went for bk quiz and i saw me old friends! So we hang and hang till time goes by. Ahh catching up with old times.:) Feels great~~ Gee i gtg..i'll update soon! :D

Friday, August 5, 2011

Things that just happened sometimes. T.T

Hi guys it's been like..........a while i knw. I'm sorry if i haven't been posting my blog much cuz..i'm lazy. XD I knw that not much people will actually read my blog i my blog is not attractive or really boring.. i'm just writing about the facts guys..( most of the time) Ok! My exam just finished and so far i got crappy results except my english(yay) but yeah. And now i'm suffering with a major sore throat and it sucks! It hurts! And super annoynig!"== Plus, think i'm coming down with a flu..but the best part about it it's that..i skipped tution! But the problem is that it's add maths!! SHITTTT~~!! Why must it be on the add maths day? Not yesterday? I dun mind skipping bm...(i'm sorry bm teacher) "^^Anyway,Do u knw what's worst being a teenager?? No? Well let me tell yeah..its ZITS!!! PIMPLES! Oh the nightmare! MY skin its like full of it damn it! :( But now it's sort..well maybe curing. Reducing i mean. I hate this pimples! It makes my face oily+ictcy!To be honest i dun knw..sometimes i looked at sub teen magazine ant look at those celebrity with like major perfect skin! I would ask myself...why can't i look like that? But now i realize that...nobodys perfect and i should be grasteful i'm born with a complete face. U knw what i mean right?Maybe i'm just going through puberty but yeah.,.. it just stinks tobe cover with pimples and zits and worst of all SCARS! Urgh the horror! i secretly wish that i could just u knw...go back time and take really care of my face. Sometimes when the zits just won't go away..i felt like asking 'ZITS! what's ur problem? Why can't you just go away?!" I just fely like screaming. Lol ok new topic..u knw to be really friends in puchong..all of them have boyfriends and ex boyriends/girlfriends. :O I'm like so shock! I mean when they herd i'm still single..they like stared at me like i'm sort of a new human spiecies! Rude much? Lol. Well u see in my OLD skul my friends are ALL single! We never even thought of having a boyfriend cuz we focus more in grades and passing PMR (at that time) Now that i shifted i felt like an outcast..but i have my pride! I'm not intrested in having a bf with any of the students in my skul cuz so far as i knw..the relationships there are not sincere...i dun like cheap relatinoships or just for fun relationships. Im' a serious person when it comes to picking a guy( Just to let u knw i'm not trying to say i want one) cuz i watched movies and i had seen reality and if i HAD to have one the guy i want must be:
1. A catholic
2.Good sense of humour
5.Love life(like me. :P)
7.ok maybe not too ugly( i knw looks dun matter)

O-k so far that's all i can think right now.. but maybe i'm asking alittle TOO mUCH :O but i think no guys have a character like this( except fantasy guys) xD
Yeah today my post is quite i'll just stop here...see yeah guys! Look forward to more post! :D

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tru Confession

I love that show(tru confession) it's so touching! I mean it shows a girl and her brother and they are twins but her brother has mental illness acted by Shia labeuof. It's abit of a tear jerker and stuff. I love it. :)Today i decide to clean my room...not that i usually don't clean my room. I fund some books i dun need them and anymore and decide to give them away. I HATE giving or throwing stuff away! It's like throwing ur past. I mean when i look through my primary books. It's like i recall my childhood. I'm really sensitive when it comes to childoohds or my past cuz it's something i can't never take i'm always looking at myself wishing that idun have to grow up. I want to stay 6 or 5 and idun want to face the world just yet. That's why i sometimes to crazy things and taking risks cuz i can never do it if i dun take the chance. LIfe gives you chances dun let it go..before it's too late.That's why sometimes i just close one eye when i decide to do something people may think it's stupid. i think that if u dun do it now...u won't have another shot so someitmes taking risk are good(depends on the situation guys) Gosh i'm starving right now..think i'll go eat my dinner now. TTFN!!;)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I can never understand my parents and the feeling is mutual for them. I dun think in my family we understand what we're going through..lifes hard and everybody have different opinion. No one is perfect. We go through life difficulties and we choose whether to stand up again everytime we fall. Today i had a VERy rough day. I'm so freaking( i wish i could say the F word) tired. My mom scolded me for skipping tution even i tried my best to not skipped it cuz I.HAD.NO.CHOICE. It's not my fault ok? My moral teacher needed my help..but before i touch that part i actually took the risk by staying back for my english on wheels club. Teaching primary students is HARD..Espectially those who hate u and u hate them. Anyway, after my section i was planning to go straight home. I had too cuz my mom will cut me up if i'm late but eventually she had the chance.Anyway, i was on my way home but then my moral teacher came to me and begged me to help her cuz she was so tight up and i couldn't refuse( what was i thinking?) so i said sure. She promise to send me to tution as soon as the job was over but then later on i end up going home at 6.30 ( so much for going to tution) and that's when my mom came and yelled at me for being a slacker. Yeah well so what if i am? I'm not saying i am but if i AM a slacker or a drug dealer who is she to judge me when she too could not judge herself? She DOES NOT KNOW ME TOO WELL to start yelling at me. AS a mother you should know what sort of a person i am and accept and respect who i ought to be. I'm not a parent yet so i can't say more than that when or IF i am i would never be like HER. I'm not trying to put dirt to my mom's character but you see...i might be a better person. I mean if i have a child i would or will understand what's happening to his/her life CUZ i was once a teen. 'Saling memahami antara anggota keluarga' that's something my parents+family should have or learn. I dunno..once i'm all grown up..let's see how things goes..if this is how they are going to threat me then i WILL break my connection with them. What i'm typing her is just words..but if ur in my place u'll knw how i feel. Many people may use this phrase more than once but any teen goes through what i been i knw what they're feeling. i better appologize to my friends for acting such a jerk today cuz i was in a bad mood for skipping tution and 1 kind of took it out on them. THis is what i'm posting now so just wait till i post another u

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Argh..major headaches...

S-so tired! Woke up 5.30, go to school at 6.45 survive 3 periods of ADD MATHS! Came home at 4.30 went to tution at 5 came home and suffer a mojor headache...Argh! *rips brain off* I wish i could lead my life just like my puppy..all he does is sleep, eat and play.It's so much easier cuz all u hve to do is worried about the meals ur getting other than that sleeeeeeeeepp!Geez...i'm figuring out what course i should take right after's like i can't think. I like accounts but i kept asking myself..does this course makes me intrested to become one(accountant). Urgh! i'm soo mess up i'm worried EVERYDAY and EVERYTIME! I stress myself out so much. I kept thinking i NEED to be good, better, good enough to be the same level as those smart people. It's so freaking hard!! When u look at those children playing in the u EVER wish ur were in thier shoes? I knw i do. Avoid the reality and concertrate on being a kid..having fun and go through childish times.It's like no one can accuse of being a kid and people gets it. If ur a kid u get laid off easily. Being all spoil and stuff ( well for some people)xD if i hve the power to turn back time..i'll go back the time i was like much easier...yikes i better go...too tired now..think i'll get so shut eye.:D

Thursday, June 30, 2011

That's just life.....

Hey everyone! It's been a while haven't it? Yea well i done all my mids and gotten my results got number 11 in class got 3 As and fail one sub(add maths) and struggling to find which collage to go to and ask for scholarships.I been busy doing research and's just so hard to find what i really wanna do in life. Am i mean at first i wanted to be a nurse(can't lie to u there) but now i want to be an accountant it's just so hard. To be honest i wanted to be an accountant because the pay is quite satisfying. I'm not really sure if i'm that intrested in accounts but i like the subject. It's nice and intresting but gee...i dunno. my desicion is so mixed up right now....i want to get a good job and i want to love my job cuz that's what i'll be doing for the rest of my life.Spm is next year and who knows what i can get for my results. iwork harder now but ineed to work even harder!! it's not easy. I'm upset with my dad for being too proud at my brother for getting no 3 in class and never said anything about my position. I drop from 8-11. But wait! the first exams doesn't count cuz i oni got i A and mids i got 3 As! i never my life for that before and what do my brother get? No As..just 4 PJK and he got no3 in class. I'm battling with sum smart people in class and my dumb brother is NOT! Do u realize how hard is it to get higher marks than anyone?? WEll do u? I work my butt of for my results and my dad didn't even congratualate me but go "oooh Christopher u got number 3 in class that's good" and i'm been sulking at that time. Parents sometimes expect too much! I use to fail alot last time now i'm doing better and now they expect more from me??I got limits too u knw. My limits in greds is dependant. How am i too please them till they were proud of me?? It's not easy to be an excellent daughter okey? Wish they could cut me some slack.....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

That's the way it should be..

I been thinking alot lately and i think since i moved to Puchong...i can see that i must stand on my own two feet. My life has totally changed and i have to go through alot of things on my own.It may be hard but i have to stay strong. In school...i have to concertrate by myself. I hve to focus and no one is there to help me. I have to understand everything by myself. At tution,i felt like i'm the most stupid person anwsers are always wrong i feel like i'm failing all the time. I tried so hard but my effort wasn't enough. I dun hve much friends there oni one. At chuirch my best friend left me and i have to continue my time being alone and friendless. I'm not sure what this is..could it be a punishment? Or just something that God wants me to learn and be something useful. I ned and i MUST gain more knowledge. This few days i'hve been wasting my time on the computer and i can't seem to stop! It's like i became addicted to it. This has to stop. My english and my bm spelling gotten worst. I feel like all the things i used to knw slowy started to vanish. This is all my fault. I must get my knowledge back before i became more stupid. My history about the world is soo low. I'm not even good with directions..and i suck at doing house as well. i'm totally useless. Yes i'm useless. i have to find away to get more knowledge aobut things before i hve to regret this for the rest my life...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Just another fairytale

Today's topic is not gonna be about fairytales actually..i just love the topic. xD So helllo my blog! How are you? Hm..dun u think it's weird to say..'Dear blog, today is a vry happy day for me...' it's like ur talking to ur blog. Just a wonder, y do people say dear diary or dear blog or dear whatever? it's not like they can reply to us...yeah i guess i'll never know that won't i? Anyways! I fineshed my exams and i'm like totally free and there's two weeks of hols! TWO SWEET WEEKS OF NO SCHOOL!! Isn't it great?? I skul but there's homework and tution.:(*sighs* this is like one of the ways to kill a teen! I mean homework for hols? I mean i dun blame the tution cuz parents are paying but homework!"== Which part of the holiday do they not get?! H.O.L.I.D.A.Y! Shhesh! it's not what us students get everyday!Would it kill them to not gice us homework?! Urgh!!!! Yeah i knw i'm getting all melodrama bout this but i can't help it..i mean i just had my exams finish(after 3 weeks of studying like a maniac) and i would like to use my time doing things i like to do..i dun hve the mood to pick up my books and start seraching for the answers and trying to do them like maths and add maths! i been holding a bout of the past three weeks and it's getting into my nerves! Wow! Must be the stress. xDbut nothing a little two weeks of hols can't help. :) Hehe i'm like watching barbie mermaid something. xD i dun knw y i'm still attracted to kids shows. :) it's like fun to watch u knw...there's something u get to knw about childish shows...they hve kid of thing that it's like straidght forward u knw..if u compare barbie movies to high school musical for bengkang bengkok...u get it? like no..distractions nothing to make it seems so yer...y she must act like that ah? Those type of things..barbie movies are like calm and happy kind of type.:) let's just get back to the topic..the point is...children shows are really nice to watch..they dun show about what is life happening but just what life should be.:) Urgh! my fingers are like tired of typying so TTFN!XD

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I think it means something...

O-k i bet ur wondering what's up with the pic and this title. Well, today's topic is about life,journey,the meaning of it . I'm 16 so i dun really knw much about travelling cuz i seldom travel around. But, when u look at this picture, just clear off ur mind for abit..calmly look at it without any distraction goin on through ur mind like just empty it..take away all that stressful thoughs and u can see scratch that, feel like ur in the picture. Can u feel it? I chose this pic cuz it makes me imagine i'm in a place where there's no worries but just peace, happiness and enjoying peaceful life...hace u ever had that feeling? a place where u could just go and avoid the chaos and pollution happening aroud the world. I'm a city girl(i think) and i dun really hve much knowledge in country side but i think there are so lucky if they get to see this types of places. Um..apart from what's in that place wheather it has leaches or snakes or any of that kind of thing...take avatar of exaple..those blue people (xD) hve u watch the movie? I think it's a very great movie. Oh i sure wish i'm there.:) I like houses that hve alot of nature things..i'm a type of person that loved being surrounded by nature since young actually. I remembered the time my fren Jac gave me this little tiny waterfall box...when i click and the water stars's so...beautiful.:') I mean if u close the lights and let in alittle bit of small light shine in..with few candles and just sit at a corner and listen to the sound of the water running..ahh...peace.;) I pick this song cuz i think it suits todays topic. Lol. Every lyric in this's soo...meaningful.:) Maybe u dun get what 'im actually trying to pointed out neither..i just type what comes in my mind...despite my typing errors(*sigh*) but i hve quite a imagiation as u can see.:)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It been a long time

YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm BACK! Lol i'm so sorry for like not posting for SUCH a long time cuz i got some com issues but no matter my mom took care of it.:):) Thx mom! Anyway, the most hottest news right now in Malaysia is that people could not get off the bieber fever! I mean everyone is still talking about it even after he um he came i think at 21st April.:) Awesome. But sadly, i didn't get to go the concert but i went to watch his movie in 3D. I love 3D movies the seems so real especially scary ones. :) Oh I forgot! I manage to get no 8 in class.:) Yay! And i got 4th place in sum essay competition.:) I'm quite proud on meself.:) I'm working hard cuz mid-term are around the another 3 weeks of not posting...:( so many things happen but the problem is i just can't recall! I hate tution! the people there are so stuck up! Plus, WHY must they give us mid year exam when our schoool exam is already a pain in the neck!Gosh! I kind of miss my long hair......sort of regret of cutting it..but the past is the turning back unless you knw..there's a time mechine or sumthing.xD Argh! i guess i should go now..there's alot i hace unfinished bussiness to do. xD

Friday, April 1, 2011

Life of so not the party!

I haven't been posting much nowadays and i apologize for not doing that cuz it's just that i dun really hve much awesome things to post about...except crap stuff. This week has been abit ups and downs for my friends cuzzz well three guys have been move out from my class and it so happens to be the guys they hve been crushing on. It happen just yesterday i guess...yeah sad. But for me i think it was great!(dun tell my friends i say that) I'm so happy! they been causing alot of trouble for our class lately,so i think it's the best for all of us. Three dudes, two guys consider the hottest guys in my class (ps i did not say that it's just my classmates agree that they re but for me they just look normal) Anyway! Let's just leave that to that. Ok i finally found the perfect homes for my puppies! I'm so glad that i dun hve to put them far away on the streets.:) The best part of all is that i'm leaving them with my relatives. This is so cool. But the sad part is that i'm not going to see them anymore except one is going to live with my aunt and uncle so i guess that shouldn't be a problem.^^ Yay! Yay! Yay!! Wahoo.:) *do the happy dance*Teehee! So anyways...i got nothing else to post about but later i'm meeting my friends to do a study group! Woohoo! So i gtg i guess.:) Bye!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Finally! The WEEKENDS~~

Woot! Tow days of rest!*do the happy dance* Urgh! What a week! This week isn't good for me..i keep loosing my work sheets and been scold by my damn shit(sorry can't help it) bm teacher! "== She won't even let me finish explaining she started to scold me like crap!Argh! Screw her than she knw! Stupid B**** Gosh i'm getting all cheese up! MUst chill...i'm sort of a good mood now cause of tomorrow i'm like going out with my friend to IOI Mall! But the issue now is I'M BROKE! T_T *sigh* sad case..but i think i still hve a few strings with me so i guess i still be able to survive tomorrow....xDD Anyway, i'm still wondering IF i should watch a movie quite sure...just afraid i got not enough money with me..unless my 'kind hearted mum' gives me abit..or maybe i should ask for my school allowance that'll make things easier.I'm sure to get scold...oh pls God...pls give a little money tomorrow!! Geez to is a little to much...drama~~ add maths are improving(a little) i just need to buckle up my understanding skills and memory! My memory is soo poor! Let's see..while im brain storming what i want to type i might as well describe whati'm wearing..a long sleeveless shirt,short pants and my hair tied.xD Some random stuff...agh! so far i got i'll stop here ..till next time! :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hols is just another issue

*sigh* Ok..i'm so sick of going tutuion and skul homework still undone and there's oni a few days before skul reopen! Damn!Damn!Damn! I'm so fed up of theses things!">< I think i'll ponteng tution finish up my homework! Not to fool around...xD Anyway, last Sat i went to Sunway with my friends(from Seafield) and we had a really good time.:) not so fun though..cuz there was afew uncomfortable moments.:( But i think we are all good now.:)Me, Jac and Jolin watch I'm number 4 and it's soo awesome!!:):)I love's like um..i dun knw but it's so cool!:):) Woot! Now i'm waiting for I'm number four2! xDD Teehee! Lol. Ok so far my hols are so suckish! Boring boring boring!*sigh* Puchong isn't so fun to hang out. It's not like subang where Summit is so near or a stone throw away to ur frens house..No! it's not.:( But! i guess i hve to suck it up and move on...yikes. Btw, my mom said i hve to go tution!! Damn! I dun wanna go! It's so boring and today is bm and maths!! Noo~~~T_T oh well, that's how i go through my holsi guess.:'(

Friday, March 4, 2011

Waiting for results. exams are over now i'm like waiting for my results! Argh! The worst things in life besides exam! *sobs* my add maths!!!T.T I'm not gonna type out what i get in my blog(not the marks) Cuz it makes me feel sad for recieving such a mark! ">< Anyway...Some darn guy got 94 4 his freaking maths(not add maths) and his was like so dissapointed. I felt like giving a darn slap! Dae! If i get that kind of mark ah i'll start screaming in joy man!Aiyo...people these days..Urgh! makes me so mad! Lol. I dun knw why i get so work up about this. I think it's because i envy him..which it's true.:) I mean 94/100? Who wouldn't? week i can't wait! I'm gonna meet my frens(from seafield) at SUNWAY! Wahoo! *Do the happy dance*Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! YAY!~~~I'm just soo excieted! i mean, it's been SO LONG i never seen any of them.:) U would too if ur in my place. Aha..we're gonna hve a blast! Just hoping nothing goes wrong..or i'll really get upset.:( I'm obsessed with the Kim possible song! teehee, Nice. Like my cousin always says ' That's my jam!' :):) Haha hehe! So like anyway, i dun really hve much to post about but i think i''l stop her e until i got anyting to edit. :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just a simple boring week!>:(

Yeayo! My new skul is soo boring till u feel like u want to cry!"== Nothing good ever happens just day after day..going through the same things. Doin the same things. Boring right? Well, everyone has their own opinion. my old skul..there's always something goin on...AND! This dude same skul with me and same group in confirmation was like 'i love my skul'. I just stare at him like when u saw a bug being squash. Lol. I mean seriously! Love? There's nothing to love about that skul!"== The darn teachers keep taking advantage with the students money! Like if we forgot to bring our book or didn't write the index we hve to pay RM 1 or 2 or if it's a project undone it' ll be RM5! Why so longing to take money from us?! But of course i didn't kenalar. Boring,boring,boring!Even my classmates are so..lame. I just HATE it when talk in mandrin! So what if u can talk mandrin? Big deal! who cares? what's the point? i mean really what is THE Point? Just because ur so good at it u dun hve to talk that language when it comes to a mixture group! Tsk no wonder their english sucks! I knw i'm typying all this nonsense but i'm letting out all my anger. I dun care if there read my blog or what. They deserve a good boxing in the ear! Even tution i get the same atmosphere. This time is indians. The only day i'm always looking forward is Confirmation class. I dun care wheather if i HVE to get up early every Sun to attend cuz it's the day where i can see everyone getting along taking the same language where EVERYone can understand.*urgh!* right...need to calm dorn..gotta chill. Inhale in, inhale out. Geeez..feling so much better.;) let's see. i hve like a week more to my exam and i'm so worried cuz the past few weeks i been pushing myself to study hard but it doesn't seems to effect my brain."== Si i dun think i'll be posting anything next week though.:( So..i'll see u guys after my exams. Wish me luck!:)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine Day!:)

Oh gosh...actually it was yesterday.xD But anyway, that i think of it..i miss being a prefect..i really do. Sometimes i miss how when i was prefect i remember all the neat stuff me and my friends did together.:( Argh! i miss it!:'( Ok..let's see..these days i'm really,really,REALLY trying my best to start concentrating on studying cuz my exams are next month(yikes)! So much to understand and memorize and practice!"== Why must do form 4 have to start getting more and more busy? It's soo unfair! When i look at the form 5 during asembly, they seems so calm!O.o what's their secret?Lol. Right now..i'm having a sore throat which it sucks cuz it makes my throat itchy!:( DArn u throat!xD To be honest..i really forgotten what i'm suppose to be typing in my blog cuz i was suppose to update last week but i couldn't log in cuz it was jam and now it works? Gee..this com do hve the nerve to make me mad!"== Argh! Lol. I been doing sum reseacrh about french nails.xD It looks so cool that day i saw a video how the girl did and it was so cool! i been doin on my toes to..but i failed!:( My bro gace me a B-C."== Gee thx bro. Plus, i felt like a change(abit). I mean i'm not as hyper as i use to be and i'm getting all serious almost very thing. And if i dun get my things done on time i'll be really angry!O.o I feel so different. I'm stressing out! i'm so frustrated about myself. U see..the reason in my new skul i dun make so many frens in my new skul is because i find it hard to concentrate on my studies with frens aroud me. Cuz when frens around me i dun feel like studying..i felt like hanging out with them and it's totally distracting me. Next year i'll be taking my huge exams and i want to make sure i did REALLY well. So~~ i been doimg research on study tips and getting all serious and all. *sigh* i need a scholarship. I want to enter to Taylor collenge! Or a good one. At least then i can get a good job. Which my ambition is to be anccountent.:) But my accounts teacher is soo boring till it makes the subject boring and lame.:( BUT! I hve to work hard. So..having no frens around me ain't so bad.O.o Depends on ocasion.xD Like koko..i went last week and it SUCKS! Super boring. My fren felt sick and went home so i got stuck with her frens.They But, they kept gossiping(most of them hve boyfriends) about other girls with boyfriends( i knw..girls right) but this way of limits! They say a little TOO MUCH! But i was the only one there blur(which is good) and feeling bored cuz i hve no idea what they are talking about.*yawn* it's like 11.05 am..i'm soo tired..i guess i'll stop typing now.:)Catch u guys later.:)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy CNY!!:)

Haha today's the 4th day of Chinese New Year i think.:) Gosh this year i'm getting so many angpao!Hehehehe.xD But the annoying part is i just can't keep them i just hve to at least spend some of it!"== Darn myself. I'msuppose to be saving up for a new phone but my mom made a deal with me..she said she'll buy me a new phone IF i at least get 4A in my exam...but she didn't say which one!O.o Darn...i just asume the monthly one.xD But...$A is quite a challenge for me.Gee...must work hard i guess.The problem is..i'm too lazy to do that.Lol. Yikes! Tomorrow is skul days again! Nooooooooooooooooo~~ Goodbye hols!*sobs* I hate skul now...stressing alot besides i dun hve any friends in skul so i consider it boring. Not that i'm complaining it's just that ahhahaha i dun hve anyone to joke with or laugh on something. Well, imagine ur in my'll be really lonely.:( Ah! Anyway, I soo obessed with the song 'Dela' by Johnny Clegg. It's the soundtrack from George of the jungle.:) I hate the part two. So lame...all of the sudden different characters."== I hate movies like that..i mean when we watch the first part of a show and the second one came out with different actor/actress playing the part drives me crazy. It makes me think that it isn't the movie just some wannabe trying act out that part..ok i don't think i make alot of sense here..nvm!I'm thinking of cutting my hair again..but..i miss long hair.:( Soo mixed up right now. Aha i still hve at least two small homework that i haven't done.Plus, i'm in a middle trying to finish up someone B'day gift(i'm not gonna mention the name yet incase the certain someone reads this post) so i'm practically swamp now. i gotta think what i need to get ready for skul tomorrow.:( Darn skul! If only i can blast them away! U knw..i'm actually typing crap now..i have no dea what to type on my's just i thought i might as well update it for fun.:) Too hee!xD Hm..i think this is all i'll say for now..till next time.:)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Good Experience!

Today's topic is good experience! And i mean it! Ok, i'll get to the point. Eversince i'm not a prefect anymore, i knw how do the students feel.For example, hair,nails and the rules! Get what i mean? i dont' exactly knw how to put it in words but i too find it annoying. There's one time i felt like i wanted to slap this prefect. I wanted to go to the toilet (and i was really in a rush cuz recess is almost over and after that we're not allowed to go out from class) and this prefect was like'Oh can't use this way and bla bla" I mean REALLY! i walk all the way here cuz it's near the toilet and i really,really,really need to go.( I think u knw how i am when i need to go toilet,Joee) So she ask me to walk the long way and GEEZ! I wanted to tell her off!"== It was on Thursday where with had um CNY Celebrations entertaintment(will get there soon) plus i hold in for 3 freaking hours! So yeah, now i knw what it feels like for students to hate prefect cuz they do hve their reasons. Last year, when i was a prefect i never knw why the students don't like us or hate i thought we were doin the right thing but sometimes way off limits. It's not that i dun get it last time but now i do. Mainly, there more then just not allowed to go toilet and stufff but i dun wanna waste time on that.Anyway, this year i wanted to become a prefect but the teacher told me it's full adi and they hven't decided if they want to ask students to join since they hve enough people already so yeah.Oh yeah ! the CNY celebration thingy. It i guess i mean i like the Lion dance but the dancing part not so intresting cuz..aha..too me lar..not that i'm judging how they dance or anything is just that i think it's pretty lame. SORRY~! it's just that the dance is the same and same move so..yeah? I mean like in seafield it's intresting cuz at least they create new moves and how they entertain us and then again i'm just saying k? Hehe..I;m starting tution next week and i guess i'm gonna be abit busy cuz my tution is like Mon-Fri but oni Wed i'm free.Gosh busy, busy! I hate it when my maths teacher kept asking me to write answer on the board! I mean why always me? Some of the class didn't even been called once!"== Shheshs! And i get to learn how to push in to work hard,try to ask many questions in class and so on.But the problem is NO ONE in my class ever does. Like english,maths, one ask a single question even though they dun get it. But me, i'm like a keep asking and sometimes my english teacher wrote sumthing wrong on the board and i put up my hand to correct her,my classmates just stared."== I feel like they think i'm Miss-KNW-It-All..knw what i mean?*sigh* so much for fitting in. Anyway,i gtg..things to do so i'll try and post more.:)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011.:)

Wow..what has the year gone bye so fast? Aha..2011...feels soo futuristic.O.o This year is new for me since i finally shifted skul(which it kinda sucks) and trying to hve a fresh start and boy am i trying! New year,new skul,new frens,new clothes,new shoes,new bags,new anything! Urgh! my new skul is WAY~~ to different than Seafield! seriously!:( I made a friend, her name is Fatin..she sat beside in class and the only and i mean ONLY malay girl there. Then there's Agala(if i spell right) i talk to her once in a while..she' Let see..i'm in sastera...the only sastera with ADD maths so teacher says we better buckle up! Sucks isn't it? My subject teachers bad..i dun really like my science teacher though..i mean she's nice and everything but i just hate her writting! It's soo hard to read! And her teaching! Her pronouncing is bad!:( *sigh* other than that..they are ok..i guess. At first when i walk in the skul i thought it was such a flat skul but when i when behind..BAM! Huge! So many stairs! And the only hve 3 floors! So many rooms! It's crazy man..i get lost Only one girl's toilet..sad.:( How i miss my frens soo much! On my first day of skul i was SO nervous! I kept thinking will i survive? are they friendly? so many things keep running around my head! And i got my answer..i'm a complete outcast..a stranger..nobody wants to talk to me..except for Fatin. 80% of them are chinese in that i thought..u knw..since they are chinese..wouldn't be so bad and WOW am i wrong! Some of the girls won't talk to me cuz i'm 'bangsa lain' and sum..cuz they can't speak english well."== *sigh* i just need to adjust myself. Nowadays i dun mind recessing alone..i can get my work done..though i feel lonely once in a while. But..sometimes i think is good..cuz i'll hve more time finished my homework and all..oh yeah! The Kok there is same like primary!!!!! Darn! No Ninjitsu,silat,st.Johns,or same like Seafield. Gosh! Terpaksa join the lame once..:( But they hve Bahasa Jap! But i didn't join cuz it's in the mornining! Damn it. I find myself quite busy these days and tired! Everyday i hve to put up wqith maths and add maths! Gosh..really. Oh the principle offered me to sub science class..but i rejected it..*sigh* it was my goal to get in sub science but now i think of it..i better stick to the subjects i'm comfortable with. But i feel i should taken the offer but..nah! why suffer? Lol. I happy with my subjects..feels great. doesn't matter if ur in a bad class or a good long you can keep up with it.:) Hehe..i had alot coming for me so BRING IT! i'll never give up!:) Peace out!